10 Ways to Participate in Worship When You’re Watching From Home

  1. Get dressed to attend worship so your body and mind know that you are doing something special.

  2. If other people are in your home too, watch together.

  3. Watch worship on the largest screen you can so that you have a bigger experience.

  4. Stay focused on the worship service. Don’t multi-task, check e-mail, do the dishes, laundry, etc.

  5. Participate in the actions of worship: pray, sing, and read together.

  6. Write down the name of someone(s) from church that you will reach out to during the week to let them know you were thinking about them and missed being together.

  7. During or after the service, make your contribution to the Lord’s work a part of your worship. Tithing and giving back to God is a holy act of worship.

  8. Write down any prayer concerns that were mentioned so you can pray for them throughout the week.

  9. Write down thoughts you had from prayers, songs, and the sermon message. Take notes of important ideas so you can reflect on them later.

  10. Call or message one of the worship leaders or church staff to let them know that you participated in worshiping together.


Worship Service - November 22 (Christ the King Sunday)


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