Attention Sunday School Teachers & Small Group Leaders

If you lead a small group and want to start gathering together again, there are now three good and safe options available:

1) The church has a business Zoom account, and Regina is happy to meet with anyone for tutorials on how to set up and lead in that format. If you are comfortable with it already and just need the church sign-in information, just let her know.

2) Any group wanting to meet indoors can use the Fellowship Hall. This space would need to be reserved ahead of time with Joy in order to avoid scheduling conflicts. Each gathering must be less than 20 people, follow all of the church's health rules, and would be responsible for sanitizing and cleaning the area after the meeting.

3) Groups wanting to meet outdoors are welcome to utilize the space under the Connector drive-thru or in the Prayer Garden space behind the Connector. Tables and chairs can be made available for groups to use. Group leaders would be responsible for setting up and breaking down for the meetings as well as sanitizing afterward. These spaces would also need to be reserved ahead of time with Joy.

While it is unfortunate that we are still unable to all meet together for Sunday School in our normal classrooms before worship like we did previously, that does not mean we cannot get creative and start gathering together at alternative times and places. Please feel free to call the church office at 828-645-6720 or email Joy if you have questions or want to reserve a spot.