Mid-Week Bible Study Video – Proverbs 1:7 and more

We start with one short verse this week, but it actually holds an infinite amount of truth, and we compare it with other verses in Proverbs as well. Proverbs 1:7 is like the motto or theme of the whole book, and it reminds us where true wisdom comes from. It also points out the consequences of living foolishly.

Read Proverbs 1:7 here: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (NIV)

Other verses mentioned:
"the fear of the LORD" -- Prov. 10:27; 14:26-27; 16:6 and see also Prov. 9:10 & Psalm 111:10
Types of "fools" in Proverbs:
peti' -- Prov. 1:4 and 7:7 (that's the one Pastor Stuart forgot in the video)
nabal -- Prov. 17:7; 30:22
k'esil -- Prov. 10:1, 23
'eveel -- Prov 26:12; 12:15-16