Ukraine Missionaries Update

Three months ago we got to meet in person the inspiring missionaries Gennady and Mina Podgaisky, who our offerings help to support. For 20 years they have served in the areas around Kyiv, Ukraine, running a ministry center for youth and foster families. Soon after they spoke in our worship service, the Podgaiskys were able to return to Ukraine for the first time since the Russian invasion started in February.

After returning safely to North Carolina, where they have been staying during the invasion, they gave a presentation at a recent Cooperative Baptist gathering about their trip. Sadly, their ministry center, Village of Hope, had been destroyed by Russian missiles.

Fortunately the Podgaiskys were able to travel safely and avoid areas that were being shelled. They asked us to pray for them as they continue to minister to Ukrainians, many of whom are now refugees in countries around the world. They asked us to pray that Russia would stop its invasion. They asked us to pray for people in Ukraine being killed and places being bombed. And they asked us to pray for their ministry center, Village of Hope, that used to house foster families and host youth retreats, as it tries to rebuild.