Worship Service - January 2

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – "Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”

Silent Meditation: We like to pretend that following Jesus is easy and predictable. But Jesus proves otherwise. From early on, he was never where people expected him to be, and never went to the normal places they thought he would go. So remember that the way of Jesus leads to surprising places, and is often full of questions—ones we ask of the Lord, and ones we’re asked in return.

Hymn of Praise – “Fairest Lord Jesus”

Children’s Message

Old Testament Reading – Jeremiah 31:7-11

Prayers of the People

Offering Invitation

Musical Offering – “When I Can Read My Title Clear”

New Testament Reading – Luke 2:41-52

Sermon – “Looking for Jesus, Asking Questions”

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Hymn of Response – “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne”

Benediction Song

Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking HERE.

--- The kids activity sheet for today can be viewed, downloaded, and printed here!

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.


Worship Service - January 9


Worship Service - December 26