Worship Service - July 7

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: Humans naturally want to separate people and label them as different. But Jesus has always worked to do the opposite: bring people together so that everyone is equal. That’s part of his reconciling work as we are reconciled with God and with each other. What barriers of separation in life have you wanted in the past that Jesus will be working to tear down?

Prelude “Love to Thee”


Hymn of Praise – “Praise Him! Praise Him!”

Old Testament Reading – Psalm 16

Responsive Reading

Prayers of the People

Hymn of Faith “In Christ There Is No East or West”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "Meditation on My Faith Looks Up to Thee”


Special Music – “Consider the Lillies”

New Testament Reading – Ephesians 2:11-22

Sermon – “Having Jesus as Our Cornerstone Leads to Peace and Equality”

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Hymn of Response – “Grace Alone”

Song of Benediction “Christians, Let Us Go and Serve Him”

Postlude – “If My People Will Pray


--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

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--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

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Worship Service - July 14


Weekly Bible Study – Talking About Race, part 10