Worship Service - December 8

(We had technical difficulties this day and were unable to record or broadcast the worship service. We apologize for the inconvenience! Below is the order of worship and links to engage.)

Meditation thought for worship: We always think we know what we want to do, but our vision is so limited, that if we only ever stuck to our plans and preferences, we would miss out on the abundant life God invites us to live. So don’t settle for boring and routine. Let the call of Jesus save you from being normal.

Gathering Music – “Bach Goldberg Variations”


Prelude – “Behold, A Rose Is Blooming”

Hymn of Praise – “People, Look East”

Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 9:2-7

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Sung Response – “Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love"

Prayers of the People

Hymn of Faith – “The Hands that First Held Mary’s Child”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – “Salvation Has Come to Us”

Anthem – "O Night of Nights”

New Testament Reading – Matthew 1:18-24

Sermon – "Saved from Being Normal"

Hymn of Response – ‘‘His Name Is Called Emmanuel”

Benediction – “Go in Peace, Beloved”

Postlude – “Improvisation”

Open or download the full bulletin for worship today here.

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