Bible Study – Inspired by Missionaries: Rick & Lita Sample (San Francisco), 1 Peter 4:7-11

Unfortunately Pastor Stuart forgot to press record to make a video of the good Bible Study discussion we had this time. But you can still learn about the missionaries we met that our church offerings support.

Rick & Lita Sample work with immigrants in the San Francisco area. (Learn about them here!) Many of the people they serve are refugees from Burma. There are over a hundred different ethnicities in Burma, and the Karen people are an oppressed minority. The Samples help them navigate life in the States and connect with a Christian church where they can worship in their own language. That is true hospitality: one that welcomes, helps, and always respects.

We watched two short videos with some of the Karen people there in San Francisco. Zar Blue Paw talks about what life was like back in Burma and now in the US (watch that video here). Kyaw Soe is the pastor of the Karen church, and he talks about how meaningful it is for them to worship together (watch the video here).

The Samples' ministry is guided by 1 Peter 4:7-11 (read it here), which says that one of the ways we can show God's love is by welcoming people. So how can we, with our mission field of Weaverville, be inspired by the Samples' work in their mission field?