
Mid-Week Bible Study Video – Understanding Islam, part 1 (introduction)

We're starting a new discussion series this week. There will be lots vocabulary and information to learn about, but this week is just an introduction. We read lots of verses in Genesis that are like the origin story for Islam, which tracks its beginnings through Abraham's son Ishmael. And we ponder other Bible verses that can help us as we learn about and interact with people who practice a different religion.
Verses read: Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-5; 16:1-13; 17:15-27; 21:1-18; 25:7-18 (Read them here.)

Mid-Week Bible Study Video – Your Best Active Life, part 3

This week we talked about how our mindset leads to our attitude, and what their end trajectories are. When we have Resurrection as our horizon, then we can develop a mindset of Abundance (like Jesus did), which helps us be more proactive in life and gives us more hope. Developing that mindset is hard though, and it takes work, but that is where miracles happen.
Verses read: Mark 8:34-36. (Read them here.)

Mid-Week Bible Study Video – New setup!

We're trying something new! During lockdown, Pastor Stuart posted weekly Bible study videos online; this summer we restarted in-person Bible study. Now we'll try to do both. The in-person Bible study discussion will be recorded on Wednesday nights (all are welcome to attend at 6:00 pm), and then uploaded the next morning.
These days we're talking about Having Your Best Active Life. That means the right combination of activity and stillness, action and prayer. This week we read Bible verses that show both kinds, and we talk about being reactive vs. being proactive.
Verses read: Psalm 139:13-15; Colossians 3:12-15; Mark 6:30-44. (Read them here.)