A Word from the Pastor – Later, When We Look Back

December is always a special time. The Christmas decorations, music, aromas, clothes, snacks, movies, and everything make this time of year feel magical. But there’s also another reason its magical: during Advent, we experience the past, present, and future.

We enjoy the present, with its Christmas sights and sounds. And we think back on Christmases past, with warm memories of family or childhood. Of course we also remember the first Christmas story, as we read and celebrate when Jesus was born. But Advent is also about the future, because we also look forward to hope for Jesus’ second coming, and the peace it will bring, and the joy we would have, and the love that would reign in God’s fulfilled kingdom. Advent is magical because we get to experience past, present, and future all at once. So let’s gaze into the future for a bit.

Eventually, one day, the year 2020 will be considered “history.” So cast your minds ahead a few years. When we all look back on this year, what will we think? When you remember the way you acted, thought, and spoke, how will you feel about it?

This is an historic year, a year when everything got thrown up in the air—for better and for worse. A year when many things changed. Bad behaviors were flaunted, and selfishness was often encouraged. This year we have experienced the worst. Some people showed their worst sides because of it. Others showed inspiring compassion and integrity. So act and speak in a way that you can be proud of years later.

It will be interesting what future generations say about the way we responded to the pandemic, and how our country broke all records the world over for deaths and infections. I wonder if future generations will be surprised at how, as a people, we were not willing to do whatever was necessary to protect others from getting sick and dying unnecessarily.

Our own future generations will talk about how everyone acted in 2020. So when one of your descendants asks how you responded to that hard year, what do you want them to say? Go ahead and be mindful of that now. As we close this sad year and begin a new one with hope for better days, spend time praying over your attitude and actions. Ask God to give you wisdom and courage, so that when you and others look back on this time years later, it can be said of you, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”