Bible Verses to Read - Exodus 16:1-18

Exodus 16:1-18

These verses take place when the people of Israel were wandering through the wilderness. Maybe we can relate. The wilderness is a place of isolation, a place of uncertainty, and a place where we lack things we need. We don’t know how long our season of wilderness wandering will last. We may wonder if there will ever be an end to it. And like the Israelites, we will get very weary during the journey.

But the Bible has many examples of the wilderness being a place where people meet God in the midst of their desperation. Over the centuries, countless monks and nuns have gone out to the desert in order to more fully connect with God. Is it possible that here, in our time of solitude, we might encounter God in new ways?

And moreover, God continues to provide in the wilderness. Just as manna from heaven came every day to feed the wandering Israelites, we continue to pray and trust that God will provide our “daily bread” as well.