
Community Thanksgiving (virtual) Worship Service

Thank you for joining us this evening for our 2020 [virtual] Community Thanksgiving Service! The service will become available on YouTube starting at 6:00 pm on Sunday, November 22, at the link above.

A special thank you to the pastors and musicians from the First Baptist Church of Weaverville, the First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, and the Weaverville United Methodist Church for helping to make this evening possible. We would also like to say a sincere thank you to our local ministries for being a part of this service as well: ABCCM North, the ESL Ministry, and the Senior Meal Site.

If you would like to help support any of the ministries highlighted in this evening’s service, there are several different ways to do so:

1. You may go online and visit: fpcweavervillenc.square.site There you will find an option to donate to the “Weaverville Community Thanksgiving Service.” All Donations will be divided among the ministries.* There is no processing fee for this transaction.*

2. You may also mail or drop off a donation at any of these three churches.

On behalf of the First Baptist and First Presbyterian Churches, as well as the Weaverville United Methodist Church, We thank you for joining us for Worship this evening. We pray that your Thanksgiving is filled with the kind of love and happiness that not even distance can separate.

Happy Thanksgiving!

-The Churches of Downtown Weaverville

A Word from the Pastor – Surviving Election Day

Today is election day. So how should we handle it? Most importantly, be mindful of what helps you and what doesn’t—what gives you peace, and what stresses you out. It will be tempting to watch constant news or scroll social media all day, but I don’t think that will help you feel more peace and less stress. After you have already voted, maybe helped others be able to vote, and the polls have closed, your civic duty is done for the day, so be sure to take care of yourself…… [click View Post above to keep reading]

New E-mail Scheduling

To help focus on different needs and activities in our church family, the two e-mails we send each week will have a separate focus. Starting this week, the Friday e-mail will be news, info, announcements, etc. The Tuesday e-mail will be prayer concerns, requests, and devotional thoughts. That way, the Tuesday e-mail will help us focus on what we can be praying about, who we can pray for, and suggestions for how we pray. The Friday e-mail will have all the updates and links for various items. (We welcome your additions to either one, so do note the new schedule.)

To sign up and start receiving them, click here!

A Song to Inspire

Here’s a great song to hear these days. Maybe every morning when you’re preparing to face the day. Even though it has some Christmas themes, the presence of Christ is something we can be inspired by everyday. And the peace of Christ that we pray for, let it start in us. Let us be the planters, spreaders, and builders of Christ’s peace. Our world needs actual Christ-followers and peace builders now more than ever.

“Glory (Let There Be Peace)” by Matt Maher

One star burns in the darkness, shines with the promise Emmanuel.
One child born in the stillness, living within us Emmanuel.
We're singing glory, glory. Let there be peace, let there be peace.
Singing glory, glory. Let there be peace, let it start in me.
One voice speak for the voiceless, hope for the hopeless Emmanuel.
One love brings us together, now and forever Emmanuel.
We're singing glory, glory. Let there be peace, let there be peace.
Singing glory, glory. Let there be peace, let it start in me.
Do not be afraid, his love is strong enough to save us.
Nothing stands in the way, his love is strong enough to lead us.
We sing glory (oh we sing glory), glory (the angels sing glory)
Let there be peace (let there be peace), let there be peace (let there be peace).
Singing glory, glory. Let there be peace, let it start in me.

Bible Verses to Read - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The beginning of Ecclesiastes 3 is a beautiful poetic text that speaks to the full range of the human experience—the good and bad, life and death, laughing and crying. It reminds us that life does not stay the same season forever—every season changes. This passage speaks to those of us who are struggling with—or breaking under the weight of—anxiety right now. Breathe deeply. This too shall pass…… [Click View Post above to keep reading]

A Word from the Pastor - Resist Temptation, So We Can Watch Sports

Since Germany has done a good job of controlling the spread of the virus and testing its population, their major league soccer came back this weekend. With that as the only option, starting now I’m a lifelong die-hard fan of teams in Munich and Dortmund. There were no fans in attendance, of course, but gosh it was good to watch. As a matter of fact, South Korea has done such an excellent job in their response to the virus that their soccer league started back two weeks ago. As I have followed all the news over the past 2-3 months of the virus’s spread, it’s interesting to see how different places responded to the crisis, and from a spiritual perspective, how people have responded to temptation. Here’s what I mean….. [click on View Post above to keep reading]

Sunday School Books, Devotionals, & Magazines 

The church has Sunday School books, devotional guides, Bible study commentaries, and magazines in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like your class’s book or an extra Bible reading guide, feel free to come by. We can hand it to you at the door, pass it through the car window, or you can step inside and get the ones you want from the stacks on that first table.

A Word from the Pastor - Finding Other Water

In the early 2nd century there was a booklet written as an instruction guide for Christian churches, which were still figuring out how to be church in that early period, when the books of the New Testament were still on the “New Releases” shelf. The booklet was called The Didache: Teachings of the Twelve Apostles. It had helpful suggestions for things like worship, church administration, and daily living. Here are the instructions for how to perform baptisms……. [click View Post to continue reading]

Word from the Pastor - You’re Not Crazy, Just Stressed. These Things Can Help.

Have you been extra forgetful lately? Felt absent-minded, or had trouble sleeping? That’s normal. Chronic stress can cause problems with concentration, irritability, fatigue, and changes in sleep and appetite. When we feel stressed or under threat, we often unconsciously start to breathe more shallowly in order to flood the blood with oxygen. The change in our breathing doesn’t get our attention, but resulting tightness in the chest and dizziness does. All that stress can take a significant toll on our mental health….. [Click on View Post above to keep reading]

A Poem for the Days

From the book To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings, by John O’Donohue

This is the time to be slow,
Lie low to the wall
Until the bitter weather passes.

Try, as best you can, not to let
The wire brush of doubt
Scrape from your heart
All sense of yourself
And your hesitant light.

If you remain generous,
Time will come good;
And you will find your feet
Again on fresh pastures of promise,
Where the air will be kind
And blushed with beginning.

Bible Verses to Read - Exodus 16:1-18

Exodus 16:1-18

These verses take place when the people of Israel were wandering through the wilderness. Maybe we can relate. The wilderness is a place of isolation, a place of uncertainty, and a place where we lack things we need. We don’t know how long our season of wilderness wandering will last. We may wonder if there will ever be an end to it. And like the Israelites, we will get very weary during the journey.

But the Bible has many examples of the wilderness being a place where people meet God in the midst of their desperation. Over the centuries, countless monks and nuns have gone out to the desert in order to more fully connect with God. Is it possible that here, in our time of solitude, we might encounter God in new ways?

And moreover, God continues to provide in the wilderness. Just as manna from heaven came every day to feed the wandering Israelites, we continue to pray and trust that God will provide our “daily bread” as well.

A Word from the Pastor - Easter weekend

Life during the pandemic continues to be tough. And the toughness will last for more weeks. One of the many sad parts of this time is that we cannot gather in person for worship, especially for special holy days like Easter. I will miss seeing Easter Sunday’s bright smiles and bright colors to match the bright sunlight outside. That does make me sad. But there is always this good news….. [Click View Post above to keep reading]

A Word from the Pastor - March 25

It’s okay to admit it. It’s okay to say it out loud: “I’m really worried. I’m scared.” The craziness of these days is starting to get overwhelming. With so many businesses having to close for now, so many people without work, the difficulty of having kids be home all day, and real concerns about getting sick—it is okay and honest to say, “I’m really worried. I’m scared”…. [Click View Post to continue reading.]

Word from the Pastor - March 23

I think we’ve all been through natural disasters in the past that made life strange for a while. Usually, when a hurricane would go through, we’d lose power for a few days, play extra board games, chat with neighbors, and maybe go to someone else’s house who still had power, if only to shower and hang out. When the lights came back on, things went back to normal. But the crisis now is different…. [Click View Post to keep reading]

Worship Service - March 22

Chiming of the Hour

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – “Trusting Jesus”

Hymn“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” stanzas 1-2, 4

Children’s Time

Old Testament ReadingPsalm 25:1-10

Hymn of Confession – “I Confess”
I confess. I confess to Almighty God and to you my brothers.
I confess. I confess to Almighty God and to you my sisters,
That I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words.
That I have sinned, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do.
And I ask you, all the church, to pray for me, pray my brothers.
And I ask you, all the church, to pray for me, pray my sisters.
And I ask you to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Prayers for the People

Hymn“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”

Offering Invitation

Offertory Music – “He Hideth My Soul”

Solo – “I Stand Amazed”

New Testament ReadingMatthew 6:28-34

Sermon - “Now Is the Time to Be the Church”

Hymn - “God of Grace and God of Glory” stanzas 1-2, 4

Closing Announcements & Blessing

Benediction Song:
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you,
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “The Solid Rock”