A Word from the Pastor - Make the Most of Your Time

In our area it has been about 5 weeks of social distancing and homeschooling. It’s been hard on every person in different ways. Since no one knows how long it will take for the threat to go away, we don’t know how many more weeks are left. With that stress and uncertainty, it’s very normal for depression to set in. Old habits might come back, or new bad habits might form. So what can we do about it?

First, be honest with God in prayer. Don’t keep anything back. (God already knows what you’re feeling anyway.) We are all worried, sad, and frustrated, so lament in prayer honestly. Complain and fuss to God if you need to. God is big enough to handle it. In fact, God prefers real and raw prayers instead of empty superficial ones. So don’t try to hold in all the fear and stress; it’s not good for you. Accept Jesus’ invitation to share your burdens with him.

Second, since we are living in a new different time, set some new different routines that help you get through the weeks. Stress has a way of settling into your body (tightness, soreness, heavy), so find ways to get it out. Be physical, go for walks, do some exercise, work in the yard. When there’s a knot in your stomach, getting outside and moving around can help untie it.

And find some quiet routines to start as well. Certainly prayer, devotionals, and meditating on God’s presence are important. Other good things can be reading a good book, listening to good music, a big puzzle, a daily crossword, or a home project you could work on. Here at the church, Sandra has been deep clearing areas that haven’t been cleaned for years. How helpful! And while Marilyn is stuck at home, she’s making quilts with fabric that her mother left her. How wonderful!

The important thing is to find activities and ways to spend your time that are healthy and helpful to you. It might be tempting to gorge on junk food and stay up late watching TV, but that won’t nurture your body or soul. It might only give you a stomach ache and make you tired. (Trust me! I speak from experience.) Instead, come up with a schedule for the day or week. You make the conscious choice how you want to spend your time, and do it. We’re a few weeks in, but we’ve got more to go, so make good decisions and start helpful habits now.

The Bible is full of stories about good godly people living through difficult circumstances. They survived by making the most of each day—as a gift from God and an opportunity to grow. We can do the same.