
Word from the Pastor – "What Do You Want to Spread?"

During this pandemic time we think and hear a lot about being contagious. We use words like “aerosolized particles” and “contact tracing” to help us be aware of how the coronavirus spreads. What makes this virus so hard to stop is that people can be contagious for a whole week without even having symptoms—walking around spreading it unaware. Hence, masks and distancing to cut down on the spread. But there’s another kind of spreading we need to remember. We can spread feelings too….. [click “View Post” above to keep reading]

Need a good book? - Staff picks, Regina

The Shack, by William Paul Young 

The Shack is a fictional book, but it spoke truth to my heart and is a treasured favorite of mine. It is the story of a man named Mack that spends a weekend with God in a shack. Mack gets to do what we all crave to do: he gets to spend time with God and ask God all the questions on his heart. In the first few chapters Mack and his family experience a tremendous loss. His youngest child is kidnapped and murdered. God invites Mack to meet at the place that holds his greatest loss and pain. There he encounters God in triune form. Although Mack's family refers to God as "Papa," God the Father appears to him as a loving black woman that is more of a mother figure. This makes sense because Mack had a difficult relationship with his earthly father and he cannot see God as father or papa when he first meets God. The Holy Spirit appears as an Asian woman that loves to garden, and Jesus (as one would expect) shows up as a man of Middle Eastern descent. He is a carpenter and a fisherman. Later he even gets to meet Sophia, the manifestation of God's wisdom. It is an incredible story and one that can only be understood when read and experienced for oneself. I highly encourage you to read it if you haven't already. 

Wise Words from Mr. Rogers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'

"As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has--or ever will have--something inside that is unique to all time. It's our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression."

A Word from the Pastor - Make the Most of Your Time

In our area it has been about 5 weeks of social distancing and homeschooling. It’s been hard on every person in different ways. Since no one knows how long it will take for the threat to go away, we don’t know how many more weeks are left. With that stress and uncertainty, it’s very normal for depression to set in. Old habits might come back, or new bad habits might form. So what can we do about it?….. [Click View Post above to keep reading]

Ministries Director letter - March 18

I missed seeing all of your beautiful faces this week, but I am glad that we are doing all we can to make sure everyone stays healthy. As a church staff we are praying for you all and are here for you if you need anything. Please do not hesitate to call the church office or to reach out to another church member individually if you have a special need. We are all in this together….