Ministries Director letter - March 18

Dear Church Family,

I missed seeing all of your beautiful faces this week, but I am glad that we are doing all we can to make sure everyone stays healthy. As a church staff we are praying for you all and are here for you if you need anything. Please do not hesitate to call the church office or to reach out to another church member individually if you have a special need. We are all in this together. As uncertain as this has all been, I have been encouraged by all that I have seen people doing to help each other out. If you are looking for ways to get involved below are some local opportunities.

Homeward Bound has issued a list of critically needed items that can be dropped off at their donation center at 205 Elk Park Drive in Woodfin. The list includes: Camping gear, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, disinfectant cleaning supplies including wipes, regular baby wipes, disposable gloves, towels, soap, underwear, socks, and unopened (without seal broken) over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers and cold medicine.

ABCCM is staying open to try and meet the needs of community members. They anticipate that food and toiletry needs especially will rise in the coming days as people are out of work and as grocery stores run low on supplies. They are encouraging volunteers who are sick or who are vulnerable to illness to stay at home and are therefore low on volunteers. If you have some extra free time these days, are well, and are not a part of the vulnerable population that is being advised to stay home, consider volunteering for ABCCM or another agency like them. You can contact ABCCM at 828-259-5300 or

Just because our building was empty on Sunday morning did not mean we ceased to be the Church. As we continue on this journey, know that we do it together. We love, even if it is from a distance. Each Wednesday night we sing together a special song of blessing at our community meal. The words are beautiful and it is one of my favorite practices of ours at FBCW. I am not currently eating a meal as I write this letter and many of you are not eating one at the moment you are reading this. However, I think it is perfect for the moment we are in, and so I leave you with this prayer and meditation.

For food in a world where many walk in hunger,
For friends in a world where many walk alone,
For faith in a world where many walk in fear,
We give you thanks, O God.


With love,
