
The Prayer Ministry Team Needs You!


After a pandemic hiatus, we’re ready to restart our Prayer Ministry. It is such helpful work that shares support, love, and encouragement with so many people—through prayers, notes, cards, and concern. Were you on a care team in the past? Then sign up again! If you weren’t, then now’s the time to learn about it. Everyone can do it; it only takes a heart that cares about helping other people. We provide instructions, guides, supplies, and information about current needs. And as we restart it now, we’ll be thinking of ways to get creative—if your schedule didn’t allow you to participate in the past; don’t let that hold you back this time.

Anyone who is interested in signing up or learning more about the Prayer Ministry can contact Sandra Bishop-Ray (call the church office at 645-6720 if you need her contact info).

At-Home Vaccination Program

In an effort to reach people who may have difficulty leaving their home to get a vaccine, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) has set up a call-in number and online form for anyone to request medical personnel come to their home and provide a free Covid vaccination. (For more information about the at-home vaccination program, click HERE.)

  • To schedule an at-home vaccination appointment, call 1-866-303-0026 or sign-up online HERE.

  • If you can get out, you can find a place to get easily vaccinated for free HERE.

  • To learn about the different vaccines available—what they do and how—go to this helpful FAQ from NCDHHS.

Vaccination Event - Tue., May 18, 12-3pm

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First Baptist will host the Buncombe Co Health Department with a pop-up vaccine clinic event. Both the single-dose and double-dose vaccine types will be available, whichever you prefer. Everyone age 12+ can be vaccinated at no cost, and no appointment is needed. (If you have a health insurance card bring it with you.) Park behind the church. Spanish translators will be available.

To view, download, or print a flier to help spread the word, click HERE.

To view and share the event on Facebook, click HERE.

Ministering through Technology – the Audio-Visual Ministry Team

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Over the past year, the church has vastly expanded its ability to reach people who aren’t in the building and help them be a part of worship. We want to continue that great ministry so that those who are homebound or new to the area can be connected. But the Audio-Visual Ministry Team now has a lot to do on Sundays and they need your help. If you are interested in sound, cameras, livestreaming, or powerpoint—either because you’re a natural already or you want to learn—then there’s a place for you. The kind folks who help already will show you everything you need to know. There’s no age minimum or maximum, because all ages can help! The next time you’re in worship, just let them know that you’re interested.

Getting Things Ready as We Look Ahead

As more vaccines get distributed, we look forward to a day in the future when we can reopen the church to everyone. When that day comes, it will have been a while since folks were inside, so you’re invited to help spruce up the place.

Are you good at decorating and making things look nice? Then help our church put its best foot forward. We want to reflect God’s beauty inside our building, in our hallways and rooms. So if you’re bored at home and need something to do, come by and chip in. Some areas of the church hadn’t been used in years even before the pandemic. They’re showing their age, as things have collected over the decades. So feel free to bring a family member and help make our church’s space inviting, attractive, and welcoming to new people who will come inside.

Volunteers Needed for Trunk-Or-Treat

In place of our Fall Festival this year, we will be hosting a socially distanced, outdoor, and family friendly Trunk-Or-Treat event. On Saturday, October 31, from 2-4 pm we will invite families to our parking lot where they can show off their costumes, fellowship, take some fun family photos, and get some wonderful treats. In order to keep everyone safe we will be spacing out the cars, handing out masks, and limiting the number of people in the area at a given time to reduce the risk of germ spreading. However, in order to make this event work, we will need several volunteers. If you are able to decorate your car and hand out treats, or help with parking and crowd control, please let Regina know as soon as possible. There will also be a sign up sheet on the Sign-up Shack in the Fellowship Hall.

If you are unable to help by being there in person, please consider picking up a couple extra bags of candy the next time you go shopping and putting it in the donation bin in the Fellowship Hall. This will help us reduce the cost of having to purchase treats for our guests that afternoon.

Ministries Director letter - March 18

I missed seeing all of your beautiful faces this week, but I am glad that we are doing all we can to make sure everyone stays healthy. As a church staff we are praying for you all and are here for you if you need anything. Please do not hesitate to call the church office or to reach out to another church member individually if you have a special need. We are all in this together….