What to Spend Time On

Limit Stress

It’s good to stay informed about the pandemic—what’s happening, what it means, what you can do to protect yourself, what you can do to help others. There is information aplenty right now, but there can be too much of a good thing, and saturating ourselves in corona coverage, for hours on end, can add to our sense of distress without adding much in the way of helpful information. So pay attention to how you pay attention. Give more of it to things that bring delight, peace, and encouragement, and less to things that bring anxiety and fear.

Make Time for Good Things

It’s true that these days of isolation and distance and thrown off all of our schedules. So now, make new schedules. Use time that is newly available to nurture your spirit, be productive, tend to your home, or express yourself in new ways. One great example is this picture. Our very own James Harold has spent new time making great bird houses that his son paints. What a wonderful idea!

JHC birdhouses.jpg