
A Word from the Pastor – Self-Serving Excuses or Self-Less Love

This year’s election season has been the most contentious and hostile in recent memory. So in the last three sermons, we talked about how we as Christ-followers can conduct ourselves during such angry tense times. A running theme each week was that we act better when we are more aware of ourselves and others. Our goal is to see ourselves and our neighbors with the eyes of God. We will fall short, but we don’t stop trying. When we lack awareness is when we fall prey to our base human tendencies and temptations…… [click View Post above to keep reading]

New Air Conditioning Has Arrived!

A massive crane planted itself in the parking lot behind the church, and reached over to pick up the three old air conditioning units one-by-one. Then it carried each of the three new ones over and around. The crane operator couldn't see the drop zone, so someone on a walkie-talkie told him where and how far to go. A neat process to watch! Thank you to Dover Crane for doing the heavy lifting, and to the M B Haynes crew for working the whole rest of the week on getting the new units installed. But the biggest thank you goes to everyone who donated to help us get new units so that we can worship comfortably when we reopen. Thank you!!

See more pictures of the process on our Facebook post about it by clicking here.
Here’s a 4 minute video of the crane carrying a new unit around the building:

Fundraising to Stay Cool

We continue raising and collecting money to replace the old air conditioning units for the sanctuary. All three were installed in 1974 and have done a great job for over 45 years! Here they are today:

old ACs.jpg

They have served us well, and we definitely got our money’s worth. But now their watch is ended. Maybe you could say (to paraphrase Gen. MacArthur) that old air conditioners never die, they just fade away. And indeed, our AC units have been fading away, so they can’t keep the sanctuary comfortable during the summer heat. We look forward to getting new ones, which will also be more energy efficient and save money on monthly utility costs. With the prospective return to in-person worship of August 2 on the horizon, we want to make sure people can worship comfortably. (Before that, the worship team might have to start “T-shirt Sundays” just to keep cool!) So we need your help!

Total cost of the project: $36,205. We can do it, and we’re making great progress!

There are many ways you can help:

  • Pray that the church can get what it needs to be a comforting place for all who come in need of fellowship with God and others.

  • Donate securely with a card right now by clicking here and giving to the “Air Conditioning Replacement” fund.

  • The church can also receive gifts of stocks and bonds.

  • Mail a contribution to FBCW, P.O. Box 547, Weaverville 28787.

  • Come by the church, ring the bell at the back door, and leave a donation with a staff member.

  • If you received a stimulus check recently and are still okay with all your necessities, consider using some of it.

Looking Ahead

The staff and deacons have been discussing what will be needed when it is responsible to let people back into the church building for services. A Health & Safety Team will determine and implement helpful practices ahead of time so that we will be ready when the time is right to let people back in. (If you are interested in serving at that time, let the church know.) We don't know what the time frame will be based on risks and virus infections, but as things start to slowly open, we will have protocols in place to keep the church facility as clean and safe as possible. Things certainly will not be back to normal or business as usual. There will be a time when mid-sized crowd will be allowed in, but not a large one, and many people would be understandably hesitant to return quickly. So even as larger crowd sizes are allowed in for worship, we will continue to make worship available online indefinitely, and offer many other ways to participate "virtually," so that no one is left out. And those worshiping in person will have to follow new rules for keeping everyone healthy. When we start moving into that transition time we will let you know more details. And when we do reopen, we will want working air conditioning, so in the coming days you will get more information on a fundraising campaign that we'll have. Please be praying about how you can contribute to that need, and we look forward to days ahead when we can be together.

Sunday School Books, Devotionals, & Magazines 

The church has Sunday School books, devotional guides, Bible study commentaries, and magazines in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like your class’s book or an extra Bible reading guide, feel free to come by. We can hand it to you at the door, pass it through the car window, or you can step inside and get the ones you want from the stacks on that first table.

Totally Accessible Worship

It is important to us that everyone and anyone knows they are invited equally and welcomed equally as participants in worship. So we work hard to make our worship and other services accessible in many different ways.

Our YouTube channel here has all of our services, Bible studies, and musical selections. So check back regularly and Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything. For specific…… [click View Post above to continue reading]

Worship Accessible to Everyone in Lots of Ways

All of our worship services are saved on our Facebook Page here and our YouTube channel here. You can now watch all of them with Close Captions.

For a non-internet option, people can listen to a recording of the worship service using any phone: call (712) 770-5090, and when prompted, dial the access code 221948. (Those numbers are the same each week.)

DVDs of the worship services are also available. If someone you know would appreciate getting them, call or send us a message , and we’ll make sure they get it every week.

To hear past sermons and musical selections, go to the video Playlists here on our YouTube site.

Feel free to forward this information to friends and family who can be blessed by it. We have always said that “All are welcome” to our services, and now that is completely true!

Office Schedule

In accordance with Buncombe County’s “Stay Home – Stay Healthy” Declaration, the church staff will be limiting their presence in the office but will continue working to serve our congregation and ministering to the community in new ways during this time. Based on the stipulations of the Declaration, basic and necessary functions of the church are still allowed. So as of now (and things do change by the day), there will be a staff member at the church at least 8 am – 3:30 pm on weekdays. Mail and phone calls will still be received. And as always, you can e-mail any of the staff as they work from home.

Buncombe County issues “Stay Home – Stay Safe” Declaration

This goes into effect Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 8 p.m., to minimize all opportunities for exposure and transmission of COVID-19 across the jurisdiction. This declaration directs all Buncombe County residents to “Stay Home – Stay Safe” and to limit movements outside of their homes that are not deemed essential. This declaration is valid through Thursday, April 9, 2020, at 6 a.m., but will be regularly reviewed and evaluated which may lead to revision, amendment or extension… [Click “View Post” to keep reading.]