Fundraising to Stay Cool

We continue raising and collecting money to replace the old air conditioning units for the sanctuary. All three were installed in 1974 and have done a great job for over 45 years! Here they are today:

old ACs.jpg

They have served us well, and we definitely got our money’s worth. But now their watch is ended. Maybe you could say (to paraphrase Gen. MacArthur) that old air conditioners never die, they just fade away. And indeed, our AC units have been fading away, so they can’t keep the sanctuary comfortable during the summer heat. We look forward to getting new ones, which will also be more energy efficient and save money on monthly utility costs. With the prospective return to in-person worship of August 2 on the horizon, we want to make sure people can worship comfortably. (Before that, the worship team might have to start “T-shirt Sundays” just to keep cool!) So we need your help!

Total cost of the project: $36,205. We can do it, and we’re making great progress!

There are many ways you can help:

  • Pray that the church can get what it needs to be a comforting place for all who come in need of fellowship with God and others.

  • Donate securely with a card right now by clicking here and giving to the “Air Conditioning Replacement” fund.

  • The church can also receive gifts of stocks and bonds.

  • Mail a contribution to FBCW, P.O. Box 547, Weaverville 28787.

  • Come by the church, ring the bell at the back door, and leave a donation with a staff member.

  • If you received a stimulus check recently and are still okay with all your necessities, consider using some of it.