Looking Ahead

The staff and deacons have been discussing what will be needed when it is responsible to let people back into the church building for services. A Health & Safety Team will determine and implement helpful practices ahead of time so that we will be ready when the time is right to let people back in. (If you are interested in serving at that time, let the church know.) We don't know what the time frame will be based on risks and virus infections, but as things start to slowly open, we will have protocols in place to keep the church facility as clean and safe as possible. Things certainly will not be back to normal or business as usual. There will be a time when mid-sized crowd will be allowed in, but not a large one, and many people would be understandably hesitant to return quickly. So even as larger crowd sizes are allowed in for worship, we will continue to make worship available online indefinitely, and offer many other ways to participate "virtually," so that no one is left out. And those worshiping in person will have to follow new rules for keeping everyone healthy. When we start moving into that transition time we will let you know more details. And when we do reopen, we will want working air conditioning, so in the coming days you will get more information on a fundraising campaign that we'll have. Please be praying about how you can contribute to that need, and we look forward to days ahead when we can be together.