
New Children's Worship Area

You may notice something different in our sanctuary. In one of the back corners is a new family worship area. This is an intentional space for families with children that may need a little extra wiggle room, so caregivers and children can worship together. The bookshelf contains quiet toys for those who need to fidget, Bible coloring pages and worksheets, crayons with scrap paper, and children's storybooks and Bibles. We want everyone to feel welcome in our house of worship, no matter what kind of needs they may have.

Thriving Congregations Work Update

Our church’s Thriving Congregations team is hard at work to learn more about our church and community. For the last six months, we have had one-on-one conversations with many of you. Those are continuing, so please say yes when invited!
For the next six months we will be diving into the history of Weaverville and First Baptist. We will also start having small-group Listening Sessions. By the middle of June, we hope that at least half of active church folks will be able to participate in a group listening time.
The sessions will last around 1 hour, and the same questions will be asked in each group of 8-12 people. During these sessions, there will be a group leader (asking the questions), an assistant leader, and a scribe taking notes. Every participant will have a chance to answer the questions.
To help us learn from these listening sessions, if you receive an invitation over the next few weeks, please can join us!
Thank you all for your prayers for this Thriving Congregation work that we are doing.

The New Church Directory is Ready!

The hard copy version of the new church directory is finally complete!
Contact the church office for a link to download your own copy of the PDF version for free. And professionally printed copies can be purchased from Regina for $25 apiece.

The online version is available at all times and can be accessed and updated using your own individual sign-in. The advantage of using the online version is that it will be more up-to-date and contains additional information. The online version has lists of our current deacons, committees, and teams. So, if you find yourself wondering who is serving this year or who the head of a committee or team is, find out from the directory! However, since this information changes yearly it will not be included in printed versions.

Also, if you access the information using the app on your phone, you can contact someone directly by clicking the phone number or email for that person right in the app. No need to dial in their information or save each person's information in your phone contact list. Very convenient.

New technology can be confusing, so please don't hesitate to reach out to Regina for help. 

Last Call for Photos

Wednesday, November 30 is the last day to submit your individual or family photos if you want them included in the church directory. You may submit your photos in person or by email to Regina. In December Regina will have printed copies available for those interested. Online access to the directory is available at all times here. If you need help learning how to access the online directory just let Regina know. We understand that many people do not like having their pictures taken or displayed. We appreciate your willingness to share these photos with your church family so our new friends can have an easier time learning whose face goes with what name. Pictures do not need to be professional; any recent clear photo is sufficient.

The New Pictorial Directory Is Ready for You to Update

The first draft of our new directory is available online for our folks to look over and edit. If you have not already, go to to check it out. You will need to create your own sign-in and can do that by clicking here. If you are unable to create a sign-in, please let Regina know and she will make sure your email is registered. We had several different lists at the church of contact information, and not all of them matched. Hopefully, by using this new system, we can fill in the blanks and have one complete list for everyone to use.

If you need help using the directory for the first time you can set up an appointment with Regina, who will be happy to sit down with you and walk you through using it. It will take us a little while to get all the information finalized, but will be worth it when the directory is complete. Once it is complete, we will print out hard copies for those who are interested. 

New Pictorial Directory!

We are getting a new church directory! But this new resource will be a little different than the ones we've had in the past. This directory will be available in booklet form and online as well. Over the next few weeks, Regina will be inputting everyone's information. At some point you will receive an email that will allow you to sign in and update your own information and upload your preferred photo. If you do not have a good recent photo you would like to use in the directory, or if you would rather the staff input all your information, just let Regina know. We can schedule a photo session prior to or following worship one Sunday with a volunteer, and we can input all the information for those who do not have access to a computer. Once the directory is complete we will print copies for anyone who would like a booklet, and you can sign in online anytime to view the information or update your entries.

Transportation Ministry

We’re glad that our Sunday Transportation Ministry can start back again after a two-year hiatus. So now we can offer rides again to anyone who needs help getting to and from church on Sundays. If someone has the desire to be at church but can't make it, then it’s our job to help them get here. So if you or someone you know needs a ride on Sundays, call or e-mail the church office.

Centennial Celebration Preparations

Did you know we’ll be putting out a book about the hundred year history of our church? If you have any stories or input you can share, we would love to have them. And if you have good pictures to offer, those are welcome too. Everyone who has been a part of this church for the last hundred years is important to our story.

Memorabilia would be especially helpful as we prepare to set up a History Room that displays our story. Do you have anything from the church “back in the day”? We’re interested in big things (furniture, decorations, banners) and also little things (mementos, programs, documents). You can loan it until after the Centennial, and any donations of large items can be tax deductible as well. Call or e-mail the church office to let us know. And if it would be easier to just make a donation to help with centennial celebrations, that would also be very welcome, since we want to have a grand celebration worthy of our grand story.

By now you should’ve received a Save the Date card. There are more available, so if you know people that can be invited, either let us know where to send them or stop by the office to get some (stamps are provided!). And look at the Sign-Up Shack to see our 100 Books for 100 Years. It’s a wishlist of 100 new good books that we want to get so that our church library’s is full of helpful resources.

Pastoral Pandemic Reflections – One Year On

One year ago this week was the first week of our pandemic time. The previous Friday there was a special called staff meeting where we decided to cancel church that Sunday due to the increasing risk of the coronavirus. Then on Monday, March 16, we had another called staff meeting to figure what we and the church could do and would need to do in the days ahead. What a year it has been since.

There have been highs and lows, laughs and tears, sad from being lonely but worried about being in a group. There have been many changes and learning curves in all our lives. During different phases of the past year, different things needed to be done in different ways—for the church and everyone. It’s certainly not boring being a minister these days. But it has also certainly been a true honor to serve a church that is so compassionate, thoughtful, wise, willing, and good-hearted. All through the past year I have said, “If I had to go through the craziest year on record, at least I could go through it with our people here!” You have been a blessing to me for sure.

I have been thankful to the staff for figuring out new things they had to do. I’ve been thankful for the deacons and church leaders who helped facilitate needed discussions during difficult circumstances. And I am proud of our congregation—for you—in the way that it handled and dealt with this long crisis. With determination, wisdom, care, and humility. Through it all, you continued the two most important things: love God, and love your neighbors.

In a sermon last April, I said the following:

I know that there are a lot of problems, and fears, and uncertainties, and loss. But when I think of the people in our church, and I think of your hearts and your minds…. Folks, I believe this will be our finest hour. Because a crisis this big shows who people really are—as individuals and as a society. It’s easy to look good when things are easy, but during a crisis, your real self is shown, for better and for worse. And I have faith in us, right now, as we do show others who we really are and how we care about people and the power of God’s Spirit inside of us. This season is indeed a true test of faith, but we are in it together.

Those things have stayed true for the past year and on through today.

I have been reflecting and writing about what the year has been like. I felt it was important for history, for the church’s record, and just for me to remember. If you’re interested in reading more pandemic reflections, you can click HERE. I will be updating it from time to time. Although, it is long with lots of information. (You know how preachers like to talk.) For a shorter snapshot, here are some figures for what the church has done over the past year:

  • 1,200 meals made and/or delivered

  • 262 separate videos posted online for people to watch

  • 13,140 total times that people have looked at our various videos

  • 113,340 total minutes that people have watched us (about 1,889 hours!)

  • 120 worship service DVDs made

  • 4,100 visits to the church’s website for information and updates

  • 370 posts published on social media (our website blog posts, the Facebook Page, Instagram, etc.)

  • 21,950 people who saw at least one thing we posted on social media

  • 104 e-mail newsletters sent out (not counting other e-mailed special announcements or pressing updates)

It’s been a full busy year, but full of good things to do. Here’s to another year of God’s wisdom guiding us, the Spirit’s strength sustaining us, and Christ’s compassion inspiring us.

Church Drive-in Picnic – Sunday, September 27

We can’t do many normal things these days, but we can still find creative ways to enjoy being together. On Sunday evening, September 27, we’ll have a Drive-in Picnic here in the parking lot. This will let us celebrate and enjoy the great kitchen equipment we got in May but haven’t been able to use much because of the pandemic. So plan to come, find a good parking spot, and enjoy eating in your car, outside, or even drive-thru. Let us know by Thurs, Sept 24, how many plates/boxes you’ll want.

It can be like an old-fashioned drive-in: “Let’s go to the hop!”


Word from the Pastor - Putting Up with Rules

As we prepare to invite people back into the sanctuary for worship, we have developed many rules in order to maintain the healthiest environment possible. You’ll see them in e-mails and posted on signs around the church; you’ll hear them in announcements and mentioned during worship. Many rules. And it’s okay to say it out loud: rules are annoying….. [click on View Post above to continue reading]

Heath & Safety Reopening Guidelines for Sunday, August 9

The church’s Health & Safety Team is planning to invite people back into the sanctuary for worship beginning Sunday, August 9. There will be many new rules to follow in order to keep everyone safe:

  • Enter only through the Fellowship Hall main door or front vestibule doors.

  • Church doors will open 20 minutes before worship (30 min. for those with special needs). Please head to your seat when you enter. After worship, head outside to chat and fellowship.

  • Masks must be worn inside by everyone age 5 and up. (Extras will be available.)

  • Two of every three pew rows will be blocked off to maintain social distance. Sit only with household members.

  • Only one person at a time in bathrooms. (Children must be accompanied by a parent.)

  • A record of attendance will be kept in case any contact tracing is needed.

  • There will be no offering plates or Care Cards passed out. Offerings and Care Cards can be placed in special boxes when you enter or leave the sanctuary.

  • No one will enter the sanctuary for two days after worship.

The worship service will feel different, but there are infinite ways to worship God, so we look forward to experiencing some new ones. And the online broadcast will continue for folks at home; just have plenty of grace for us as we figure out the new technology. We can’t wait for some of us to be together in our holy space once again!

New Air Conditioning Has Arrived!

A massive crane planted itself in the parking lot behind the church, and reached over to pick up the three old air conditioning units one-by-one. Then it carried each of the three new ones over and around. The crane operator couldn't see the drop zone, so someone on a walkie-talkie told him where and how far to go. A neat process to watch! Thank you to Dover Crane for doing the heavy lifting, and to the M B Haynes crew for working the whole rest of the week on getting the new units installed. But the biggest thank you goes to everyone who donated to help us get new units so that we can worship comfortably when we reopen. Thank you!!

See more pictures of the process on our Facebook post about it by clicking here.
Here’s a 4 minute video of the crane carrying a new unit around the building:

New E-mail Scheduling

To help focus on different needs and activities in our church family, the two e-mails we send each week will have a separate focus. Starting this week, the Friday e-mail will be news, info, announcements, etc. The Tuesday e-mail will be prayer concerns, requests, and devotional thoughts. That way, the Tuesday e-mail will help us focus on what we can be praying about, who we can pray for, and suggestions for how we pray. The Friday e-mail will have all the updates and links for various items. (We welcome your additions to either one, so do note the new schedule.)

To sign up and start receiving them, click here!

Looking Ahead

The staff and deacons have been discussing what will be needed when it is responsible to let people back into the church building for services. A Health & Safety Team will determine and implement helpful practices ahead of time so that we will be ready when the time is right to let people back in. (If you are interested in serving at that time, let the church know.) We don't know what the time frame will be based on risks and virus infections, but as things start to slowly open, we will have protocols in place to keep the church facility as clean and safe as possible. Things certainly will not be back to normal or business as usual. There will be a time when mid-sized crowd will be allowed in, but not a large one, and many people would be understandably hesitant to return quickly. So even as larger crowd sizes are allowed in for worship, we will continue to make worship available online indefinitely, and offer many other ways to participate "virtually," so that no one is left out. And those worshiping in person will have to follow new rules for keeping everyone healthy. When we start moving into that transition time we will let you know more details. And when we do reopen, we will want working air conditioning, so in the coming days you will get more information on a fundraising campaign that we'll have. Please be praying about how you can contribute to that need, and we look forward to days ahead when we can be together.

Worship Service - May 3

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – “I’d Rather Have Jesus”

Hymn“Rejoice, the Lord Is King”

Old Testament ReadingPsalm 66:5-18 10:27

Reader: This is the reading of God’s Word.
All: Thanks be to God.

Children’s Time

Hymn“Love Lifted Me”

Offering Invitation

Offertory Music – “Heavenly Sunlight”

Prayers for the People

Anthem – “On Eagle’s Wings”

New Testament Reading1 Peter 3:9-18

Sermon – “How to Respond When You’re Mistreated”

Hymn“We Are Travelers on a Journey”

Closing Blessing

Benediction Song – “Walk in the Spirit of Love”

Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you,
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “He Lives!”

Worship Service - April 26

Order of Service

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – “The Church’s One Foundation”

Hymn“Crown Him with Many Crowns” (stanzas 1 & 2)

Old Testament ReadingPsalm 31:1-5, 8-16

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Children’s Time

Hymn“Grace Greater Than Our Sin” (stanzas 1 & 3)

Offering Invitation

Offertory Music – “This Is My Father’s World”

Prayers for the People

Solo – “Cornerstone”

New Testament Reading1 Peter 2:2-10

Sermon – “You Are a Part of Something, You Belong”

Hymn“Lead On, O King Eternal” (stanzas 1 & 3)

Closing Blessing

Benediction Song – “Walk in the Spirit of Love”

Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you,
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “Thine Is the Glory”

Worship Service - April 19

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – “Morning Has Broken”

Hymn“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”

Old Testament ReadingPsalm 16:1, 5-11 10:39

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Children’s Time

Hymn“He Lives”

Offering Invitation

Offertory Music – “Salvation Medley”

Prayers for the People

Solo – “Halle, Halle, Halle”

New Testament Reading1 Peter 1:3-9

Sermon – “Being Refined Under Pressure”

Hymn“I Will Sing the Wondrous Story”

Closing Blessing

Benediction Song – “Walk in the Spirit of Love”
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you,
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”

Worship Service - April 12, Easter

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude – “Crown Him with Many Crowns”

Minister: Alleluia! Christ our Lord is risen.
All: He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hymn – “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”

Old Testament ReadingPsalm 118:1-9, 15-17

Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Children’s Time

Hymn“Low in the Grave He Lay”

Offering Invitation

Offertory Music – “Lift High the Cross”
Lift high the cross. The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world adore His sacred name.

Prayers for the People

Solo – “Glorious Is Thy Name”

New Testament ReadingMark 16:1-7

Sermon – “What Stone Is in Your Way?”

Hymn“The Day of Resurrection!”

Closing Announcements & Blessing

Benediction Song – “Walk in the Spirit of Love”
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Walk in the Spirit of Love.
Love one another as Jesus loves you,
Walk in the Spirit of Love.

Postlude – “Resurrection Celebration”