The New Church Directory is Ready!

The hard copy version of the new church directory is finally complete!
Contact the church office for a link to download your own copy of the PDF version for free. And professionally printed copies can be purchased from Regina for $25 apiece.

The online version is available at all times and can be accessed and updated using your own individual sign-in. The advantage of using the online version is that it will be more up-to-date and contains additional information. The online version has lists of our current deacons, committees, and teams. So, if you find yourself wondering who is serving this year or who the head of a committee or team is, find out from the directory! However, since this information changes yearly it will not be included in printed versions.

Also, if you access the information using the app on your phone, you can contact someone directly by clicking the phone number or email for that person right in the app. No need to dial in their information or save each person's information in your phone contact list. Very convenient.

New technology can be confusing, so please don't hesitate to reach out to Regina for help.