Thriving Congregations Work Update

Our church’s Thriving Congregations team is hard at work to learn more about our church and community. For the last six months, we have had one-on-one conversations with many of you. Those are continuing, so please say yes when invited!
For the next six months we will be diving into the history of Weaverville and First Baptist. We will also start having small-group Listening Sessions. By the middle of June, we hope that at least half of active church folks will be able to participate in a group listening time.
The sessions will last around 1 hour, and the same questions will be asked in each group of 8-12 people. During these sessions, there will be a group leader (asking the questions), an assistant leader, and a scribe taking notes. Every participant will have a chance to answer the questions.
To help us learn from these listening sessions, if you receive an invitation over the next few weeks, please can join us!
Thank you all for your prayers for this Thriving Congregation work that we are doing.