The New Pictorial Directory Is Ready for You to Update

The first draft of our new directory is available online for our folks to look over and edit. If you have not already, go to to check it out. You will need to create your own sign-in and can do that by clicking here. If you are unable to create a sign-in, please let Regina know and she will make sure your email is registered. We had several different lists at the church of contact information, and not all of them matched. Hopefully, by using this new system, we can fill in the blanks and have one complete list for everyone to use.

If you need help using the directory for the first time you can set up an appointment with Regina, who will be happy to sit down with you and walk you through using it. It will take us a little while to get all the information finalized, but will be worth it when the directory is complete. Once it is complete, we will print out hard copies for those who are interested.