Word from the Pastor – A Big Thank You!

I was so touched and surprised during worship this Sunday that it was hard to say how thankful I was to our sweet church. I appreciated so much the congratulations and gift that you gave for the completion of my doctoral degree. The program took years of different kinds of work, and at times I considered stopping. But even though you didn’t know it, you all helped encourage me to keep going. It was your loving hearts, your welcoming spirit, your supportive attitude, and ready hands. All the things that make serving a church rewarding and enjoyable. And all the things that make me want to be the best minister I can be to those I am blessed to serve. That’s what encouraged me then and encourages me still.
I was able to say a few things on Sunday in spite of my surprise at being recognized. (How do you all keep secrets so well??) I said that I am constantly thankful for this good church, and that is very true. Thankful for the people in it and the ministry we get to do together.
It was definitely odd to “graduate” during the height of the lockdown. The graduation service that Campbell University Divinity School had planned couldn’t happen, like graduations across the world, but had a virtual ceremony instead, with faculty speeches and pictures of the graduates. It would have been nice to receive the diploma in person, with my professors and family looking on, but that’s okay. It was a reminder to not rest on your laurels; there’s work to be done. A fancy degree isn’t worth the printing cost if you don’t use the tools you learned and get to work.
Over the past six months of weirdness, there’s been a lot of new and different work to figure out. Through it all, I have been extra thankful for all the people and staff in the church. Despite enduring a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic, I have been proud of you all, the whole way through. Handling things responsibly, making decisions out of compassion, and being flexible to do what was needed. I think that is evidence of a solid, grounded faith. We might not have all the answers for every step, but we walk with true hearts, possessing the bravery that only comes along with uncertainty.
Truly, this church should be proud of itself. I know that I certainly am. And I am so very thankful!
– Pastor (Dr.! 😁) Stuart