Updates from the Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee has been actively discussing and researching options for our Minister of Music position. Our plan is to follow the discernment process that we’ve used in previous searches of staff for the Body of Christ here at FBC Weaverville. And we need your help:

  • First, we ask you to pray fervently for God’s leadership in this process, for the Committee, and the church, as we seek God’s will for our music ministry and the person God has prepared to lead us.

  • Second, we ask you to contemplate your vision for our church’s ministry through music in our church and community over the next decade, and be prepared to share. In early January we will gather your input.

The committee believes the Minister of Music position is so vital to the life and future of our church that we don't want to rush the process. To have appropriate time, we will hire an Interim Music Director to support our congregational worship while we search to fill the permanent Minister of Music position.

In light of this process, the Personnel Committee made a special request of Jane McCoy to consider continuing to serve as our Minister of Music on a limited basis for the month of January. Jane has graciously agreed to do so. This gives the Committee time to hire an Interim Music Director to serve for a few months in the transition. Please pray for this Committee and all involved as we search for the person God has planned for our church. Your Personnel Committee: Phillip Crowe, Saralyn Collins, Tim Holcombe, Edna Ann Lindsay, Sam Riddle, Chris Roberts, June Ward


A Celebration for Jane McCoy
A Celebration of Jane McCoy’s ministry of music here at First Baptist Church Weaverville will be planned for January. Stay tuned for more information to come!