Reducing Trashy Waste

A drive down the street on garbage collection day or a glance at the overflowing dumpsters used by businesses will reveal the undeniable truth: we are a society that produces a staggering amount of garbage. Landfills overflow, streams become clogged, and shocking amounts of waste find their way into our oceans. We discard so much stuff every day that our waste management systems struggle to process it.

What can you do about this problem? Begin by examining your own garbage. What types of items are you throwing out on a regular basis, either in your garbage can or in your recycling container? For many households and businesses, a substantial amount of outgoing waste consists of cardboard and other packaging materials. How can we reduce that quantity and become better stewards of trees and other resources used in the production of those items?

Locally-based company Environmental Paper Network recently launched the following site that presents educational information and offers suggestions for tackling the packaging problem: Solving Packaging.
Take a few moments to peruse the site; you’ll find it concise and straightforward. Become better informed and begin working toward sustainable packaging solutions that conserve and protect nature.