Plastic Utensil Collection

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After a year of ordering more takeout, delivery, or drive-through meals than normal, you may have accumulated a drawerful of plastic utensils. Here’s your opportunity to clean out that drawer and do something useful with those utensils! Although using plastic cutlery is not ideal, there are times when it is practical. Soup kitchens and shelters often utilize packages of disposable utensils on a daily basis. Let's help them! We will collect unopened, clean packages of utensils (with or without napkins and condiments) inside both the Fellowship Hall and Main St entrances of the church. They will be delivered periodically to organizations that run soup kitchens and shelters.

So let your plastic cutlery be put to good use at least once before it goes to the landfill, and gain some drawer space as a bonus!


“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” -- Anthony J. D'Angelo