Creation Care -- Changes to Plastic Recyclables

Curbie, the recycling service for the Weaverville area, is no longer accepting certain plastic items. These include clamshells, plastic take-out containers, blister packs (packaging around items like light bulbs or headphones), and containers often used for produce and bakery items. Even though those items often show a recycling symbol and category number, they can no longer be accepted.

The easiest way to remember which plastic items you may place in your recycling container is to consider their shapes. Plastic bottles, jugs, jars, and tubs are still recyclable. (All items should be clean and dry.)

Plastic bags and wraps are collected for recycling at most grocery and home improvement stores, and should not be placed in your recycling container. 

The best way to keep plastics and other materials out of the landfill is to reduce our use of them. You can use your own containers for takeout foods and beverages sometimes (as restaurants receive more requests, a larger number will be open to it). When placing orders online (via Amazon, etc.), look for reduced-packaging options. If you purchase something in a container that is not recyclable, try to think of alternate uses for that container before trashing it. It takes some effort and mindfulness, but it pays off.


β€œThe care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope.” - Wendell Berry