Fixing What's Broken - Repair, Restore, Reuse

 Here’s an opportunity to keep your trusty weed eater in the game for a few more years, or to extend the life of that favorite hand-knit sweater. You’ll save money by having them repaired free of charge, and you’ll decrease the number of items going to the landfill, to boot. Volunteers are happy to teach you how to make future repairs yourself, if you wish. That’s a deal that’s pretty tough to beat!


 WNC Repair Cafe returns to Living Web Farms on Tuesday, June 15.   
A great group of volunteers are ready to help with a wide variety of FREE household repairs, including:
Sewing Machine Repair - Small Engines - Mending and Sewing - Electrical - Small Appliances - Furniture repair - Light Welding - Tool Sharpening
Teaching the art of repair is our passion! 
No early registration is necessary.  However, the more we know about your item, the better the chance of a successful repair. Feel free to email us if you have questions about your repair. 
More at
Donations toward the cost of materials are appreciated. 


“I have become convinced that God thoroughly enjoys fixing and saving things that are broken. That means that no matter how hurt and defeated you feel, no matter how badly you have been damaged, God can repair you. God can give anyone a second chance.”  —  Melody Carlson