Mars Hill University plants a prairie, thanks to Shaelyn!

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On a campus hillside at Mars Hill, our very own Shaelyn Roberts has been working with her biology professor to help native grasses and flowers retake the land from invasive species. The project began in the 2019-2020 school year with several students growing native seedlings. Now Shaelyn is taking the student lead on the project for her senior seminar in field biology. She got a grant to purchase seeds, supplies, and testing equipment. As the new prairie grows, maintaining the area will be easier, as the native flora will need mowing a lot less than it does now. It will also be a good habitat for birds, reptiles, insects, and other pollinators. And it provides the university with a new living lab for students to learn from and contribute to.
For more pictures of the group of students and faculty who helped plant, click HERE.
To read more about the project and Shaelyn’s great involvement, click HERE.