Supporting Missionary & Recovery Work in Ukraine

Mina & Gennady Podgaisky are Cooperative Baptist missionaries in Ukraine that we support through our missions offerings. For 20 years, the Podgaiskys have served in Kyiv and beyond, running a ministry center for youth and foster families called Village of Hope. They provide counseling services, Bible studies, and family support.

Fortunately, the Podgaiskys had traveled to North Carolina to connect with local churches right before Russia invaded Ukraine, so they are safe. But sadly, the Village of Hope ministry center was bombed this week by the Russian military. Thankfully, everyone had been evacuated, so no one was there at the time of the attack. The families are sheltering in the basement of the local church, along with 50 other people.

We reached out to the Podgaiskys to ask how we can support them, their ministry, and the people of Ukraine during this terrible time. Here is their response:
1). Pray, pray and pray some more, especially during the night in Ukraine. They are 7 hours ahead. In the night is when the bombing, rockets, and plane attacks intensify.

2.) Pray for us and for the children at Village of Hope. We continue ministering every day for long hours via telephone and messages. We are giving encouragement, support, counseling, and coordinating all kinds of help for those staying and those fleeing. Pray for strength, wisdom, and rest.

3.) Share updates on social media, in your church, and with friends so that others can also pray. We need an army of prayer warriors to protect Ukraine, especially Kyiv, the president, and his family.

4.) Donate money. We are constantly sending funds to people in Kyiv. The greatest needs right now are food and water. When someone donates money to us, we can transfer it to our church leaders there and they can withdraw it from an ATM within 15 minutes. So people’s donations make an immediate difference on the ground.

To read more about the Podgaiskys and their ministry, click here. (And read an inspiring article about more ways Baptist churches in and around Ukraine are helping people in incredible ways here.)
To donate directly to the Podgaiskys, who will pass it on to the people of Kyiv, click HERE.