Baptist Aid Work in Ukraine

It is inspiring to see how people and churches work together to help those who are suffering in Ukraine:
Small churches are involved in extraordinary efforts. Take the Philadelphia Church in Ternopil, a city in western Ukraine. Despite having only 40 members, every day it receives around 100 people, many with pets, who are evacuating. It gives them food, rest and shelter in its building. In total it has helped 7,000 people, with the help of friends and partners.

The Church of the Transfiguration in Severodonetsk continues to be active, evacuating families, hosting the homeless and distributing food kits to sick and elderly people in the city. The church was only established in 2016 and had previously focused its ministry on people struggling with addictions. Their activities in the war mean that former alcoholics and drug addicts have become true heroes of the faith, preaching the gospel and hope in the Lord.

In the Cherkasy region, more than a thousand displaced people are housed safely in church buildings every night. In Lviv, one local church held a baby shower for three mothers-to-be who had fled the fighting, bringing hope in the midst of suffering. To read more stories of churches in Ukraine helping in inspiring ways, read this article.

North Carolina Baptists have also been helping with disaster relief on the ground near Ukraine and working with local Baptist organizations tirelessly since the Russian began its invasion. They say:
We ask you to join us in prayer for families who have been separated, those who have lost loved ones, and those who are fleeing the violence in their country. Lift up those who are selflessly providing transportation, shelter, counseling, and needed supplies to the refugees—sometimes at great personal risk.

NC Baptists on Mission has committed to assist people in the region, with funds being used to purchase food, medicines, medical supplies, hygiene items, baby food, and other items to assist displaced Ukrainians. We have established ways of getting these items into Ukraine and to the local churches who are caring for refugees. One way is through ready-to-eat meals, as many have no easy way to prepare food themselves. Tons of flour, yeast, and salt are being purchased and sent to local bakeries in the Ukraine, where it is made into loaves of bread. Individuals then receive a loaf of bread, a jar of sausage spread (a local favorite), and part of a cake, which will feed them for a day. We can provide this meal for just $2.

The impact of Russia’s invasion will be felt for a long time. NC Baptists will be there to minister and serve. To make a contribution, make a check payable to Baptists On Mission, designated for Ukraine Crisis, and mailed to: Baptists on Mission, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, P.O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. You may also give online HERE. To read more updates on what North Carolina Baptists are doing there, click here.