Ukrainian Refugee Family Update

It was a lovely evening a few weeks ago when a few FBCW folks and others got to have dinner with the Bochevar family, who are refugees from Ukraine staying in a cousin’s home in Arden. David Stone arranged for the campus ministry house at UNC-Asheville to be available, great food was enjoyed, and new friendships were made. We look forward to getting to know the Bochevars more in the weeks ahead. The first fun update is that their 16 year-old son Daniel joined our youth boys next week for Youth Camp. And we’ve invited their 9 year-old daughter Eliza to participate in our weekly Kids Summer Arts Camp.

They are from the town of Irpin, which is just outside of Kyiv. They left when Russian missiles started falling on their neighborhood and eventually bombed their building. To read about what has happened in their town, you can read this report from the BBC. It is completely heartbreaking.

We plan to support the Bochevars and other Ukrainians who might end up in our area as they flee from danger.