Church in the Park – Starting Sunday, Sept. 8, 8:30 am

Worship is a blessing, and being a part of a church family is a blessing. Sadly, many people don't participate in churches these days. Even in Weaverville, there are so many people who desperately need to connect with God and hear about Jesus' grace, but they would never consider walking inside a church for a traditional worship.

As a new kind of outreach then, the staff will begin offering a short worship service outside in the Nature Park on the second Sundays of the month at 8:30 am. It will be planned specifically for people who are not used to going to church and wouldn't like it if they did. So there will be no churchy lingo or traditional hymns, but still good music and the gospel message.

Please pray for this new ministry, and if you know someone who says, "I don't like going to church. I'm spiritual but not religious," then tell them you've got some fun news to share: Church in the Park!


Worship Service - September 1


Weekly Bible Study – For the Beauty of the Earth: Faith & Creation, part 3