Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 4 (Deuteronomy, the judges, & kings)

The book of Deuteronomy re-states a lot of the laws from the books before it. It was meant to remind the Israelites of God's standards and covenant, as they set up their new society in the Promised Land. The book was also used as the guiding principles for all the judges and then kings who came after. So we talk about those periods—how well different judges and kings followed God's standards, or not—as we think about the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, and 1 & 2 Kings.

Bible verses we heard (in the order we read them): Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 12:1-9; 5:22, 32-33; 30:15-20. (Read them here.)

We divided into groups, with assignments to skim through Judges 13–16 and 2 Samuel 5–7; 11–12. (To read the group discussion questions, click here.)