Old Testament

Bible Study – Forming the Bible, part 4: Translation Comparisons

We open lots of Bibles this week and compare the details of translations differences. Most are just synonym words that mean the same thing but might read a little smoother or with updated language. Some differences do give a slightly different meaning. And some translations include Bible verses that modern ones don't include at all!
To open or download the handout to guide Bible translation comparisons, click here.

Bible Study – Forming the Bible, part 3: Translations

There are lots of Bible translations out there--not just in our language but many others. So how do they all compare, and how did some of them come to be? We talk about the different ways Bibles have been translated, and the different perspectives that translations can provide.
To open or download the handout comparing different Bible translations, click here.

Bible Study – Forming the Bible, part 2

Ancient monks made the first copies of the Bible all by hand, which was a very challenging process. And later, if you wanted to publish a Bible, it actually required lots of decisions to be made: which copies of ancient texts would you use for your translation? And since some of those ancient copies can be different from each other, how will you handle the differences? Good things to think about!
To open or download the handout of ancient Greek New Testament samples, click here.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: Conclusions

We look at some passages in the book of Daniel that help conclude our Old Testament study series. The passages tell us what the overall message of Daniel is, that even when the world around us seems chaotic, it is only passing, but God’s presence and kingdom is eternal.

We read from Daniel 3:8-30; 6:6-24; 8:1-27. Read it online here.

To view, download, or print the handouts for this week, click here for the discussion questions and here for the Danial timeline.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: Daniel, Apocalypse, and Hope

Some stories in the book of Daniel we're very familiar with, but other parts of it can sound strange. The book is connected to lots of history, and it contains lots of visions. We jump into it this week and see that the message of the book is really a reminder that the difficulties of the world won't last forever, but God's presence will.
We read from Daniel 1:1-7 this week. Read it online here.

To view, download, or print the handout for this week (a Danial timeline and map), click here.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: Ecclesiastes and Asking Questions

The book of Ecclesiastes takes us into some deep waters that call into question everything we tend to think about the world. The Teacher in Ecclesiastes says that all the worldly things people put value in, they're actually meaningless; all of it is vanity. So we talk about how to let go of the world, while still appreciating it, and grow closer to the Lord, even though we'll never fully understand God. Tricky things to balance!
The verses we read aloud were Ecclesiastes 1:3-5, 9-14; 3:9-13, 18-22; 9:7-10; 8:17. (Read them online here.)

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: the Deep Wisdom of Job

"Why do bad things happen to good people" is a question that humans have been asking forever. And it's what the Book of Job wrestles with too. In the face of overwhelming loss, is there anything we can say to help someone feel better? Job shows us that simple answers don't actually bring comfort, even when they come from well-meaning friends. So what does?
The verses we read aloud were Job 2:11-13; 38:1-7; 42:1-6. (Read them online here.)

We divided into groups to examine other passages from Job. Open or download the handout chart which breaks down the book of Job and shows what passages each group read HERE.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: the Wisdom of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs is filled with good advice—how to live well, be honest, work hard, care about others, stay calm, follow God, have peace, and much more. Proverbs wants us to have the best life possible, as matured people of faith. We sample a few passages from it and think about what kind of life it calls us to.
We read verses from Proverbs chapters 1, 3, 28, 30, and then 8. (Read them online HERE.)

If you want more in-depth Proverbs study and thinking, check out the 14 lesson Bible Study video series we did in early 2021. We read many verses throughout the book of Proverbs. Click here to bring up the first video in that series, and there will be a playlist to the right for you to scroll down and look at the other video studies available (in Proverbs and other books).

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament: Worship and Psalms

The Book of Psalms was like the ancient Israelites’ hymnal. Much like our hymnal today, it contains many different kinds of songs to help people express themselves and hear God’s voice, both in public worship and in personal prayer times. We read and think about many kinds of psalms today—psalms for days when we are in the depths of despair, days when we’re just walking along in life, and day’s when we’re celebrating. Whatever day you’re having, there’s a psalm for it!
The psalms we read were Psalms 1, 13, 15, 60, 85, 113, 121, 150. (Read them online here.)

If you want more in-depth Psalm study and thinking, check out the Bible Study video series we did in the fall of 2020. We covered Psalms 110, 8, 16, 22, 31, 32, 34, 40, 53, 69, 91, 95, & 118. Click here to bring up the first video in that series, and there will be a playlist to the right for you to scroll down and look at the other video studies available (in Psalms and other books).

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 11: Personal Stories (Jonah & Ruth)

As time went on, Old Testament books became more personal and less like the kingly histories of earlier books. We look at two examples of that this week: the books of Ruth and Jonah. Each of them shows that God's love, forgiveness, and welcome stretches far wider than we ever thought it could.
Read the short books of Ruth and Jonah online here.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 10: History & Restoration

After spending decades in exile, the Israelites were eventually able to return to Canaan and restart their community. But that’s a big endeavor, to start your whole people from scratch. So what should they think about, remember, and do first? That’s where the Chronicler’s history sets them on the right path, and us too.

Verses read in the order we read them: Ezra 1:1-7; 1 Chronicles 29:14-19; 2 Chronicles 7:11-22; Nehemiah 10:31-34, 39. (Read them online here.)

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 8: Exile Prophets

What questions do you ask when disaster strikes or you're in the midst of a crisis? We all ask those questions, and the Israelites did too 2,600 years ago. This week we read passages from prophets during the big terrible Exile, a truly destructive time in people's lives. We'll hear what kind of encouragement and hope they provide.

Passages read: the book of Obadiah, and Ezekiel 18 & 37. (Read them all here!)
We split into groups for each passage. To open the readings guides for each one, click HERE.

Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 7: Pre-Exile Prophets

Following God's call on your life isn't always sunshine and warm fuzzies. Sometimes it's really hard. The prophet Jeremiah felt that hardship in a big way. He resisted God's call in the beginning, and suffered a lot the whole way through. But he didn't give up, because he knew God was with him, giving him the words to say and the strength to keep going. The same can be true for us.

Verses read: Jeremiah 1:4-10; 8:18-9:3; 20:7-18; 26:10-11; and Habakkuk 3:17-19
We didn't read the Jeremiah verses in order. They were passed out with different assigned readers, in a modern paraphrase translation. So to follow along with those readings, click HERE.

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 6: Early Prophets

What does it mean to be a prophet? And what kinds of messages do they deliver? We look at some of the earlier Old Testament prophets tonight, and see what a hard job they had. The people and leaders of Israel were not living right or treating people right, so it was the prophets' job to let them know.

We read stories about Elijah in 1 Kings 18:15-42 and 21:15-29. We read messages from Amos 2:4-16; 5:14-24; 7:1-15; and 9:11-15. And we also hear from Micah 1:2-9; 3:1-12; and 6:6-14. (To read all of them online, click here.)
Open the detailed timeline handout here.
Look at the group discussion questions here.

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 5: The Conquest

This topic raises some really tough questions, but we need to think about them. When the Israelites arrived at the land of Canaan, they were told to exterminate everyone "without mercy." Hard words to read, but important questions to ask as we talk about the context of these events and their reasoning at the time.

Bible verses we read in the order we read them: Deuteronomy 20:1-18; 7:1-6; Joshua 6:20-21; 11:18-20. (Read them here.)

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 4 (Deuteronomy, the judges, & kings)

The book of Deuteronomy re-states a lot of the laws from the books before it. It was meant to remind the Israelites of God's standards and covenant, as they set up their new society in the Promised Land. The book was also used as the guiding principles for all the judges and then kings who came after. So we talk about those periods—how well different judges and kings followed God's standards, or not—as we think about the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, and 1 & 2 Kings.

Bible verses we heard (in the order we read them): Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 12:1-9; 5:22, 32-33; 30:15-20. (Read them here.)

We divided into groups, with assignments to skim through Judges 13–16 and 2 Samuel 5–7; 11–12. (To read the group discussion questions, click here.)

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 3 (Covenant)

This week we talk about being in a covenant with God—what it meant for the Israelites throughout the Old Testament, and what it means for us. Blessings, consequences, forgiveness, and promise. We do a quick overview through the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. We cover the Patriarchs, the exodus, Mt. Sinai, wandering in the desert, and lots of the laws in-between. All in under 45 minutes!

We read a few verses from each of the following chapters: Gen. 12, 17, 28, 49; Ex. 1, 2, 19; Lev. 1, 19, 26; Num. 14 (Read them here.)

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 2 (creation)

We look at the two similar but different ways that the creation story is told in Genesis. Both stories help us remember that God is the Creator who made all things (including us!) and that humans have a big job to do in taking care of the earth.

Verses read this week: Genesis 1:1-2:3 and 2:4-25 (Read them here.)

Open, download, or print this week’s handout here. (To read the take-home handout, click here.)
To read the church's Mid-Week Update of prayer concerns and announcements click here.

Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 1 (overview)

We start a new Bible Study series this week as we build up our understanding of the Old Testament. We'll go through all of its main books and events the next few weeks so that when we read it, we are better informed and its verses can come alive in deeper ways.
Verses read this week: Exodus 14:21-25; 15:1, 8-10; Isaiah 51:9-10; and Psalm 80:8-10 (Read them here.)
And now you can read the church's Mid-Week Update of prayer concerns and announcements by clicking here.

Open, download, or print the handout here (click to enlarge):