Mid-Week Bible Study – All Through the Old Testament, part 6: Early Prophets

What does it mean to be a prophet? And what kinds of messages do they deliver? We look at some of the earlier Old Testament prophets tonight, and see what a hard job they had. The people and leaders of Israel were not living right or treating people right, so it was the prophets' job to let them know.

We read stories about Elijah in 1 Kings 18:15-42 and 21:15-29. We read messages from Amos 2:4-16; 5:14-24; 7:1-15; and 9:11-15. And we also hear from Micah 1:2-9; 3:1-12; and 6:6-14. (To read all of them online, click here.)
Open the detailed timeline handout here.
Look at the group discussion questions here.