
Request From ABCCM North Samaritan Ministry

As food prices continue to skyrocket, we are getting more and more requests for food.....AND the children are out of school! In school kids receive breakfast and lunch. We are expecting a large number of families from Weaverville, Woodfin, Leicester, Alexander and Barnardsville. Please pray for food to come in!

Urgent needs: Canned chicken, beef stew, chef boyardee, adult cereal, canned vegetables, hearty soups, dry pinto beans, canned fruit

Bring donations and place them in the container in the Fellowship Hall.

ABCCM North Samaritan Ministry - Crisis Center Pantry Needs for June

Each month we will list a few needs and suggested donation items for ABCCM North (Asheville Buncombe Christian Ministries). All donations can be placed in the basket right outside the Fellowship Hall. Please consider picking up a few of these extra items each week as you shop for your family. Thank you for your continued support for folks in our community. 

Needed Items for June: Self-rising Flour, Jelly, Toothbrushes

Bring donations and place them in the container in the Fellowship Hall.

ABCCM North Samaritan Ministry - Crisis Center Pantry Needs

Each month we will list a few needs and suggested donation items for ABCCM North (Asheville Buncombe Christian Ministries). All donations can be placed in the basket right outside the Fellowship Hall. Please consider picking up a few of these extra items each week as you shop for your family. Thank you for your continued support for folks in our community. 

Needed Items for May: Vegetable Oil, Peanut Butter, & Toothpaste

Bring donations and place them in the container in the Fellowship Hall.