
La Esperanza Children's Camp Day 

On Wednesday, June 12, around 20 new friends from La Esperanza gathered at our church for a fun-filled day. The group spent the morning at Mangum Pottery, was served a delicious hotdog lunch by our church volunteers, then spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the Nature Park. 

La Esperanza is an outreach ministry that serves Latino individuals and families in Madison, Buncombe, and Yancey counties. They came to our church this past Mother's Day to share about their work, and we are very excited about our new partnership with them. Please let Regina know if you are interested in being a part of our church volunteer team at future La Esperanza events. 

Baptist Women's Documentary Now Available Online

The Baptist Women in Ministry's (BWIM) Midwives of a Movement documentary can now be found on YouTube. This documentary chronicles the stories of the women who boldly birthed a movement to seek greater visibility and opportunities for women in the Southern Baptist Convention in the 1970s and 1980s. Despite great opposition, their courage blazed pathways for advancing women in ministry and leadership among Baptists over the last 40+ years.

During a time when women in ministry among Baptists hear much negativity surrounding their call and service to God, BWIM joins in solidarity with all women who serve among Baptists to share a positive message of affirmation and hope. One that proudly demonstrates that when women are pushed down and marginalized, they always rise up!

Special Guests in Worship – La Esperanza

This Sunday in worship we will be joined by the staff of La Espernza. Their ministry aims to strengthen the social, physical, and mental well-being of the local Latino community, as well as build relationships between cultures. They offer ESL classes, translation services, youth & children camps, and social support. During our worship service, we will hear from their staff members Rebecca and Ana about the great work they do.

After worship, Rebecca and Ana will hang out in the Fellowship Hall, showing pictures and answering any questions. And they will have homemade tamales available! (The perfect way to enjoy a special Mother’s Day lunch you won’t find anywhere else.) The tamales will be on sale as a fundraiser to help raise money for a local mother who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

To learn more about La Esperanza (which means “hope” in Spanish), go to their website here or their Facebook page here!

Weekly Bible Study Series – Equally Called, part 4

In our final session, we talked about the fulfillment of the prophecy from Joel, which announces and describes God’s reign and final justice. In Joel 2, the prophet points to the future day of the Lord when people will experience God’s presence in undeniable ways. In those days, all people will prophesy. Joel names specifically that sons and daughters, young and old, male and female will all know and proclaim God because God’s Spirit will come to be with them (Joel 2:28-29). This prophecy is fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, which we read in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit falls on the believers and causes them to prophesy and speak in tongues. Peter stands up to give a sermon, quoting Joel 2, and confirming that the long-foretold day had finally come. All people, women and men, can now prophesy and announce the message of God’s reign and Jesus’ lordship. All believers today have gifts given to them by the Spirit of God. Yet some are still restricted on exercising those gifts by their congregations or religious institutions. We talked about ways in which we can further encourage and uplift all people to recognize and exercise the gifts God has given them in fulfilling God’s plan for our world.

If you missed the discussion but would like to follow along please click the following links: Study Guide 4Video 4What's Next Resource Guide

Weekly Bible Study Series – Equally Called, part 3

This week we focused on the key role that women played in the Early Church. Although it was not common for women to have positions of leadership in Greco Roman structures, the churches scattered across the empire disregarded this exclusionary practice. Instead, women were church planters, teachers, deacons, apostles, and prophets. They worked alongside Paul in the ministry, and even suffered imprisonment for their leadership in the new Jesus movement. We took a look at the witness of Acts and Paul’s letters that showed how the Early Church pushed against their societal norms to enact God’s original intent for oneness among humanity. We also looked at the letters attributed to Paul that are often used to argue against women in ministry and how those text compare with Paul's support of women in ministry in his other works.

If you missed the discussion but would like to follow along please click the following links: Study Guide 3Video 3.

Weekly Bible Study Series – Equally Called, part 2

This week we focused on the key role that women played in Jesus' life and ministry. Jesus called women as disciples, and he centered the experiences of women who had been marginalized by their society. He taught women alongside men and encouraged their participation and leadership in the work of God. Women also provided the ministry of presence to Jesus at the cross when the male disciples did not, and they alone were the witnesses to the world-changing news of the resurrection. These women served as the very first preachers of our faith.

If you missed the discussion but would like to follow along please click the following links: Study Guide 2, Video 2.

Mountain State Fair Ministry

Church volunteers had a great time working at the Mountain State Fair this year! In the Break Tent we made coffee and sandwiches for fair workers to have for free, at the Ministry Booth we gave out teddy bears and offered prayer support to folks walking by, and in courtesy carts we gave rides to people with mobility needs. In everything, we got to show the love of Jesus! 

Mountain State Fair Ministry

Church volunteers had a great time working at the Mountain State Fair this year! In the Break Tent we made coffee and sandwiches for fairworkers to have for free, at the Ministry Booth we gave out teddy bears and offered prayer support to folks walking by, and in courtesy carts we gave rides to people with mobility needs. In everything, we got to show the love of Jesus!

Deacon Inspirations

In the most recent Cooperative Baptists of North Carolina newsletter, our very own Kathy Price was interviewed for an article featuring women who serve as deacons. She and deacons from other churches talk about what inspires them and how they are called to serve their church. Look for a copy of The Gathering newsletter in the Fellowship Hall and the vestibule, flip through the magazine online here (Kathy is on pg. 10!), or read just that article without pictures here.

Christmas Treat Bags for Inmates and Staff

The holidays are especially hard on the inmates at Craggy Correctional Center. We will once again supply items for Christmas treat bags for inmates and staff. Please put any contributions in the designated box in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday, December 19.
Only store bought boxes of items such as cookies, cakes, candy, gum, bags of nuts, etc., will be allowed. All food items must come from a vendor or store in their original packaging. No fresh or dried fruit including raisins. Please strictly follow those guidelines. *Easy items to pick up are Little Debbie cakes, brownies, and cookies.* Call Jane McCoy (645-2768) if you have questions.
This is a wonderful opportunity to express to the inmates that they have not been forgotten and that God does indeed love and care for them.

The Prayer Ministry Team Needs You!


After a pandemic hiatus, we’re ready to restart our Prayer Ministry. It is such helpful work that shares support, love, and encouragement with so many people—through prayers, notes, cards, and concern. Were you on a care team in the past? Then sign up again! If you weren’t, then now’s the time to learn about it. Everyone can do it; it only takes a heart that cares about helping other people. We provide instructions, guides, supplies, and information about current needs. And as we restart it now, we’ll be thinking of ways to get creative—if your schedule didn’t allow you to participate in the past; don’t let that hold you back this time.

Anyone who is interested in signing up or learning more about the Prayer Ministry can contact Sandra Bishop-Ray (call the church office at 645-6720 if you need her contact info).

Ministering through Technology – the Audio-Visual Ministry Team

AV team.jpg

Over the past year, the church has vastly expanded its ability to reach people who aren’t in the building and help them be a part of worship. We want to continue that great ministry so that those who are homebound or new to the area can be connected. But the Audio-Visual Ministry Team now has a lot to do on Sundays and they need your help. If you are interested in sound, cameras, livestreaming, or powerpoint—either because you’re a natural already or you want to learn—then there’s a place for you. The kind folks who help already will show you everything you need to know. There’s no age minimum or maximum, because all ages can help! The next time you’re in worship, just let them know that you’re interested.