Dealing with Stress

The Hope4NC Helpline (1-855-587-3463) connects North Carolinians to mental health professionals to help folks cope and build resilience during times of stress. Hope4NC also includes a Crisis Counseling Program tailored for Covid-19. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

It’s important to make sure you are taking care of your mental health, as it affects your overall health. There are things you can do and resources available to help you maintain good mental fitness. Here are regular actions you can start now to improve and maintain your wellbeing:

The SCOOP on Managing Stress
S – Stay connected to family and friends. Social connections build resiliency.
C – Compassion for yourself and others. Self-compassion decreases trauma symptoms and stress.
O – Observe your use of substances (cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, etc.). Early intervention can prevent problems.
O – Okay to ask for help. Struggling is normal. Asking for help gets you tools to tackle problems.
P – Physical activity to improve your mood. Exercise boosts mood and lowers anxiety.