Monday Lunches for Homeward Bound

We are partnering with Homeward Bound and the Asheville Poverty Initiative to serve bag lunches on Mondays this month to our friends staying at the Red Roof Inn. The homeless clients being served by Homeward Bound (including Room In the Inn) were first moved to the Civic Center when the pandemic began and were later transferred to the Red Roof Inn with FEMA funding. However, they are relying on community organizations like us for food. 

This summer we were able to take our budgeted money left over from our Pritchard Park fund to do a hamburger dinner for these individuals, and last month when the Asheville Poverty Initiative reached out to us for help we were able to take our budgeted Room In the Inn funds to provide bag lunches for several Mondays in August. Now, thanks to a generous monetary donation, we are able to extend this service and will be continuing to provide meals for them.

If you would like to get involved with this ministry please let Regina know. We need volunteers to help make sandwiches, make home baked goods (cookies, pound cake, brownies), pack the bags, and deliver the packed lunches to the Red Roof Inn on Mondays between 11:30am-12:30pm. We will make 65 bagged lunches each week.