Children's Summer Offering

This summer our children have been collecting an offering for the non-profit organization charity: water. We learned that 785 million people in the world live without access to clean water. (Twice the population of the US, and nearly 1 out of every 10 people worldwide.) Unlike those of us with plumbing, many people, mostly women and young girls, have to walk for hours a day to collect water for their families, and often the water is dirty and riddled with disease-causing bacteria. In order to address this problem, organizations like charity: water raise funds to help dig wells and install filtration systems. This not only increases people's health but also increases the chance for children to go to school and get an education. If you would like to find out more about this organization and their work, click on the image below to watch a short video, or visit You can join our kids' effort by giving online or by giving money to the church and designating it to this offering. 100% of the funds go to clean water projects.