Love Offering for Afghan Refugee Family

First Baptist Black Mountain has recently welcomed a refuge family from Afghanistan into their community. This family of six is expecting another baby and has many needs ahead of them as they set up their new lives. As a gesture of love and welcome, we will collect an offering for them during March. Each week in the Friday newsletter we will share information about the family, as you pray about how you can help. Then, on Sunday March 27 during worship, we will take up an offering for them and pass it on to FBC Black Mountain. If you would like to give before then, you can do so at any time by giving in your normal way and designating it toward Refugee Family Ministry.

We cannot use pictures or last names of the family since doing so could put any remaining family they have in Afghanistan at risk. However, the names of the parents are Sha & Mali; they have 6-year-old twins, a 5-year-old, a 14-month-old, and a baby due in June. If you would like to meet them in person, FBCBM is hosting an ice cream fellowship this Sunday, March 13 from 3-4 pm and has invited us to join. May we be good neighbors to the refugees coming into our community, keeping them and all displaced people in our daily prayers.