
Good Friday Tenebrae Service – Fri, March 29, 7:00 pm

To help us focus our hearts and minds in a special way during the holiest week of the Christian year, we will have a Tenebrae service next Friday at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. “Tenebrae” means “shadows” or “darkness” in Latin. This service of prayer and Scripture reading will gradually go from light to darkness, reminding us that Christ's crucifixion was an attempt to extinguish God's light from the world. But the world does not stay dark, and the service will end with the light of hope. As always, it is open to anyone.

Community Egg Hunt

This year we are once again partnering with the Methodist church in hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for families in the community. The event will be at 2pm on Saturday, March 30th on our lawn, between the two churches. If you are able to volunteer that day to help hide eggs or greet families please let Regina know. Flyers for the event can be found on the Sign-Up Shack for you to grab and share throughout the community and with friends and family. 

Volunteers & Candy Needed for Egg Hunt

Thank you to everyone that has already picked up and filled some eggs for our hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 12pm. There are still some available in the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall, so if you haven't already, pick up a bag, fill the eggs, and return them to the church by next Thursday. We also need some volunteers that are willing to come that Saturday to hide the eggs and connect with families. Please let Regina know as soon as possible if you can help that day. Thank you!