
A Song to Remind Us – “He is the Love” by David Crowder

Sometimes it’s the simple thing that we need to reminded of the most. This simple song reminds us of the simple but infinitely deep truth that God is the Love that holds us when we are broken, supports us when we are needy, and can always reach us no matter how far we run away.

“He is the Love” by David Crowder

This is the place I've known.
Here in the arms of one who loves
Deeper than anyone.
For His are the hands I've grown to trust.

And this is the place I've known.
Here in the arms of one who loves
Further than I could run.
For His are the hands I've grown to trust.

And I believe...
His are the hands that spread the sky.
And His is the love that gives me life.
And His are the broken, the needy ones.
And He is the love.

His are the hands that spread to die.
And His is the love that sacrificed.
And we are the broken, the needy ones.
And He is the love.

Suggestions to Care for Ourselves and for God's World

Given all the stress factors associated with the pandemic, the numerous world and national crises, and no shortage of challenges in our daily lives, many of us are dealing with previously unsurpassed levels of physical and emotional tension, depression, and other symptoms of stress. In addition to our first line of defense--our faith in an all-powerful God--one of the strongest tools we have for combating this strain is immersing ourselves in God‘s gift of creation….. [to continue reading, click View Post above]

Ringing to Remember

This past Tuesday (Jan. 19), there was a National Moment of Unity & Remembrance to remember and honor the lives lost to Covid-19. Towns across the country joined in illuminating buildings and ringing church bells, culminating in a lighting ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool at 5:30. Our church was honored for some of its handbell ringers to stand outside and participate in the nation-wide moment of remembering, as we rung out with both grief and hope. They rang for 4 minutes—one minute for every hundred thousand American lives lost at that point. (You can watch a brief clip of the ringing HERE.)

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New Year’s Intentions and the Gift of Reading - Jane

This new year begins as always with cold, wintry days and the time to enjoy the warmth of home. Reading is a gift during this season as we open our minds and hearts to the insights, ideas, and inspiration of the best authors, artists, and theologians.

I’m making my reading list for 2021 and finding many books in our church library that will help me to grow in my Christian walk and my understanding of our world. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to stop by the library table in the Fellowship Hall and look at the new titles we have added as well as those we have recommended this past year. If you are only going out to the store, make this short contact-free stop a part of your outing! (Ring the back doorbell Mon-Fri, approx. 9am-4pm)

May this year find you seeking truth and understanding as you expand your heart, mind, and soul in the best thoughts and ideas found in books!

— Jane McCoy

Here are 2 new books we just received that are sure to offer wisdom and inspiration to you.


A Poem to Guide Your Prayers – “A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark” by Jan Richardson

We continue to live in hard scary times. It’s tempting to try and rush through them, wildly pushing our way to the other side. But that will not get us anywhere; it will only result in more people getting pushed. Instead of lashing out in denial or anger, we can be at peace even during this time of dark shadow. Peace because God loves us, knows us, and is with us, even in the cloud.

“A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark” by Jan Richardson

Go slow
if you can.
More slowly still.
Friendly dark or fearsome,
this is no place to break your neck
by rushing,
by running,
by crashing into what you cannot see.

Then again, it is true:
different darks
have different tasks,
and if you have arrived here unawares,
if you have come
in peril
or in pain,
this might be no place you should dawdle.

I do not know
what these shadows ask of you,
what they might hold
that means you good
or ill.
It is not for me to reckon
whether you should linger
or you should leave.

But this is what I can ask for you:

That in the darkness there be a blessing.
That in the shadows there be a welcome.
That in the night you be encompassed
by the Love that knows your name.

Christmas Eve and New Year’s Message

Our Christmas Eve drive-thru setting was a wonderful evening (albeit cold and wet at the end). Everyone who drove through received a Christmas message and blessing. We’ve adapted it here for New Year’s, and for everyone to receive who wasn’t able to come on Christmas Eve:

We are so glad that you have been a part of this year with us. It was a challenging year, but sharing strength and encouragement throughout was a blessing. Know that this year, we are thankful for you!

We wish things were safe enough to celebrate our normal traditions and worship, of course. We wish that we could stand together inside, sweetly huddled close, warming each other from the cold. We wish we could linger together, talking and catching up, sharing candles and Communion, connecting and seeing smiles.

We couldn’t do those good things, but celebrating together is still important. You are important. The love of God that burst forth into our world and shone through the life of Jesus is important. Let it shine through you.

While the Christmas carol “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” is heard often each year, its specific message isn’t always noticed. But it feels like the third verse of that hymn resonates for us in a deeper way this year. Maybe it’s singing to you:

All ye, beneath life's crushing load, whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way with painful steps and slow,
Look now! for glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing:
O rest beside the weary road, and hear the angels sing.

We pray that you will rest and notice songs of angels next year. We pray that it will be a year of healing—of bodies, souls, families, systems, and divisions. Let us start fresh, and establish a new better standard that we want to be as people. Letting go of old patterns that encouraged prejudice and sowed disagreements. Let them go, so that we may all be better next year.

Whatever happens in the days, weeks, and months ahead, do not forget the most important things: that you are loved by God, and by us. No matter what. No matter who you are. You are loved. And that is what we want you to carry with you next year. You are loved. And that’s the truth.

A New Year’s Blessing

The candles of Advent felt pertinent and needed this year more than ever: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. We keep holding them in our hearts as we wait for more of God’s light in Jesus to shine. We wait as we hope for peace and to feel the joy that comes from love.

Advent was a season of waiting, and we did a lot of waiting this year. Waiting to hear about jobs or test results, hoping for vaccines. So here is a New Year’s devotion for you to read by yourself or with others on New Year’s Eve night, to bless our waiting and our hopes:
(bold = all read together, * = change readers)

* God of the waiting ones, give us your good word for our souls.

* God of the watching ones, give us your blessing.

* God of the watching and waiting ones, the slow and suffering ones, give us the good word of your blessing, that we might rest.

* God of the watching and waiting ones, and the angels in heaven, and the wise peoples of earth, and shepherds in fields, and of the child who was born,

Give us the good word of your blessing, to warm our cold souls on this last night, that we might rest in your love.

* This is the last night on the eve of new beginnings, when those who are longing wait for new life.

* We wait with watchful hearts.

* We listen carefully, in the stillness, straining to hear songs of angels—the good news that new life and new light has come.

* Watch and pray, the Lord is near. Listen and wait. He is here.

Shine on us, O God of justice. Guide our path through gloom of night. Bear within us Wisdom's glory. Come to us, O Christ the Light.

A Song of Awareness – “If I Stand” by Rich Mullins

This song reminds us that life is bigger than just the things we see in front of us, because God’s Spirit flows deep. And this song helps us recognize that when we are able to remain standing during hard times, it is because of God’s strength. But it also admits that sometimes we fall, so when we do, we can fall into God’s grace. So whether we sing or weep, let us do so with the awareness that God surrounds and fills us no matter what.

“If I Stand” by Rich Mullins

There's more that rises in the morning than the sun,
And more that shines in the night than just the moon.
It's more than just this fire here that keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger than this room.

And there's a loyalty that's deeper than mere sentiments,
And a music higher than the songs that I can sing.
The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance
I owe only to the Giver of all good things.

So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through.
And if I can't let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You.
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs.
And if I weep let it be as a man who is longing for his home.

There's more that dances on the prairies than the wind.
More that pulses in the ocean than the tide.
There's a love that is fiercer than the love between friends,
More gentle than a mother's when her baby's at her side.

And there's a loyalty that's deeper than mere sentiments,
And a music higher than the songs that I can sing.
The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance
I owe only to the Giver of all good things.


A Song to Pray in Hard Times - “Hold Me Jesus” by Rich Mullins

This is an honest song for honest prayers. When we fall apart and can’t take it anymore, these are the prayers that we pray. God always hears us and always comforts us, even during painful uncertain nights. Let this song help you get your most honest prayers out to God, and let yourself by comforted by God’s grace in return.

“Hold Me Jesus”

Sometimes my life just don't make sense at all.
When the mountains look so big,
And my faith just seems so small.

So hold me Jesus, ‘cause I'm shaking like a leaf.
You have been King of my glory, won't You be my Prince of Peace.

I wake up in the night and feel the dark.
It's so hot inside my soul,
I swear there must be blisters on my heart.


Surrender don't come natural to me.
I'd rather fight you for something I don't really want
Than to take what you give that I need.
And I've beat my head against so many walls
Now I'm falling down, I'm falling on my knees.

And the Salvation Army band’s playing this hymn.
And Your grace rings out so deep
It makes my resistance seem so thin.

So hold me Jesus, ‘cause I'm shaking like a leaf.
You have been King of my glory, won't You be my Prince of Peace.

Need a good book? - church picks (from Sara)


Out of Exile: Fannie Heck and the Rest of the Story
Recommended by: Sara L.

Did you know that the Woman's Missionary Union (WMUC) of North Carolina was started before the national organization? Fannie Exile Scudder Heck was in her 20s and living in Raleigh when she saw a need to mobilize women into reaching out to their communities and the world by doing mission work and supporting missionaries. A contemporary of Annie Armstrong, the two women had very different views on what the national missions organization should be like, and Fannie Heck even stepped aside for several years so as to not sew division in the organization.

Be inspired by Fannie's extraordinary life and her passion for missions that brought about the formation of the largest women-led missions organization in the world, in the book Out of Exile: Fannie Heck and the Rest of the Story.

Need a good book? - church picks (from Christin)

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One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Recommended by: Christin S.

In our busy lives, we are always making lists: to do lists, grocery lists, Christmas card lists. But what if we started a list of things we loved, of things for which we were grateful? This is the challenge that Ann Voskamp accepts and chronicles in her book One Thousand Gifts. As a farmer’s wife and mother of six children, she describes her journey of slowing down enough to see and appreciate the blessings in everyday life. Along the way, Voskamp shares how God helps us heal from loss and how to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness. 

A Song of Devotion – “You Are My God”

Sometimes we need simple reminders of deep truths. We also need simple encouragements to do important things. This song helps us with both. It is a reminder that we do not deserve God’s unconditional forgiveness. And it’s an encouragement for us to wake up every morning and rise to meet God’s Spirit—in the world and in our lives.

“You Are My God”

As long as the rivers flow, as long as the wind blows, my heart belongs to You.
As long as the seasons change, as long as the farmer needs the rain, my heart belongs to You.
Lord, I know I don't deserve the grace You give.
So I will give my heart to You that I might live.
You are my God, early in the morning will I rise to meet You, rise to meet You.
You are my God, early in the morning will I rise to meet You, rise to meet You.

Need a good book? - Staff picks, Jane

The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life by Henri Nouwen

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“To pray...means to think and live in the presence of God.” - Henri Nouwen
In these turbulent days, we long for closer communion with God through prayer. Henri Nouwen, one of the great spiritual writers of our time, offers an inspiring guide to “living the prayerful life” in this book. He gives an invitation to reflect on subjects such as desire, solitude, listening, discipline, forgiveness, and community. I hope you will spend time with this short book as you seek to enrich your prayer life.

The church staff has pulled some resources from our Church Library and put them on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Come by (8-3:30 Mon-Fri), choose something(s) you would like, write your name on the card along with the date, and return it within 3 weeks. It’s a great time to READ!

A Prayer Song to Start Your Days – “The Day Is Dawning” by Jill Phillips

This song repeats its prayer over and over, with slight variations, as it prays for strength, love, and hope for the day. Those are all things that we desperately need help with these days, so this is a good song to listen to and a simple prayer to echo as you rise and begin each day.

“The Day Is Dawning” by Jill Phillips

Give me a chance; I want to change my ways,
‘Cause I can't live here and look the same.
Let me look up, let me look to your face,
And set me in my place, oh Lord, set me in my place.
The day is dawning and I am just rising
I pray my strength won't fail, I pray my strength won't fail. (x 2)
My strength won’t fail. My strength won’t fail.
The day is dawning and I am just rising,
I pray my strength won't fail, my strength.
The day is dawning and I am just rising.
I pray my love won't fail, I pray my love won't fail. (x 2)
My love won’t fail. My love won’t fail.
The day is dawning and I am just rising.
I pray my love won't fail, my love.
The day is dawning and I am just rising.
I pray my hope won't fail, I pray my hope won't fail. (x 2)
My hope won’t fail. My hope won’t fail.
The day is dawning and I am just rising.
I pray my hope won't fail, my hope.
Give me a chance; I want to change my ways,
‘Cause I can't live here and look the same.

Need a good book? - Staff picks, Regina

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Learning to Walk in the Dark, by Barbara Brown Taylor

Darkness is not something that many of us seek out. However, in this book, that is exactly what the author does. She seeks out the darkness and embraces the lessons it can teach us. In the darkest night the stars shine the brightest, and in our own personal times of darkness we often encounter the holy in powerful ways. This book is a unique exploration of both physical and emotional darkness. It is equally comforting and edifying. 

The church staff has pulled some resources from our Church Library and put them on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Come by (8-3:30 Mon-Fri), choose something(s) you would like, write your name on the card along with the date, and return it within 3 weeks. It’s a great time to READ good things!

Need a good book? Or movie? - Staff picks, Stuart

Beneath the Skin: Baptists and Racism

Recommended by: Pastor Stuart
This documentary is short but powerful. It is only about 45 minutes long, but it will teach you, convict you, and inspire you. It talks about the sad harsh history that Baptists have played in terms of slavery and discrimination in the South, but also issues challenges for a better future. The film interviews Baptist preachers and thinkers to discuss things like how the Bible was (mis)used to support racial oppression, and how it should inspire us to do better. Watching it is time well spent.

The church staff has pulled some resources from our Church Library and put them on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Come by (8-3:30 Mon-Fri), choose something(s) you would like, write your name on the card along with the date, and return it within 3 weeks. It’s a great time to READ and WATCH good things!

A Song of Being Known - “Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)” by Shane & Shane

We can often feel alone and not understood. But those things are never totally true, because the God who created us knows us better than we know ourselves. And there is no where we can go where God would not be with us, even if we try. God knows us, is with us, and loves us always. That’s amazing.

“Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)” – by Shane & Shane

You wrote the story of my life.
You go before you fall behind.
Before a breath beyond my death
you are with me all the way
to everlasting.
Oh I can't run, I can't hide.
Even darkness is a light.
From the lowest place to the highest praise
You are worthy.
Amazing love how can it be
Far too wonderful for me?
There's only one thing left to say
You are worthy!
Search me God and know my heart.
Try me, know my anxious thoughts.
Find the weakness in me and lead me in the way
You formed me in my mothers womb.
You know my frame, my flesh, and bone.
Oh, how wonderfully made.
Oh I can't describe it's way too hard.
You see me through and through
and call me loved.
What a wonderful grace!

A Song of Belonging - “For Everyone Born”

We’ve all felt like we didn’t belong, at different times in our lives. Like we weren’t good enough to be loved, weren’t normal enough to be accepted, or weren’t special enough to succeed. This song reminds us that you—no matter who you are—are loved by God, accepted into the kingdom, and can make a holy difference in the world. So remember that no matter what, you are always invited to God’s table.

“For Everyone Born”

For everyone born, a place at the table.
For everyone born, clean water and bread.
A shelter, a space, a safe place for growing.
For everyone born, a star overhead.
And God will delight when we are creators
of justice and joy, compassion and peace.
Yes, God will delight when we are creators
of justice, justice and joy!
For woman and man, a place at the table.
Devising the roles, deciding the share,
with wisdom and grace, dividing the power.
For woman and man, a system that's fair.
For young and for old, a place at the table,
a voice to be heard, a part in the song.
The hands of a child in hands that are wrinkled,
for young and for old, the right to belong.
For everyone born, a place at the table,
to live without fear, and simply to be.
To work, to speak out, to witness and worship,
for everyone born, the right to be free.

A Song of Release - ”You Have My Surrender”, Lauren Daigle

So often we try to fix and maintain everything in our lives, even when the stress of it all threatens to break us. But that’s not what God wants. First Peter 5:7 invites us to give all of our anxiety to God, because God cares for us. And Jesus invited all those who are tired and burdened to come to him and find rest for their souls (Matt. 11:28-30). This song is about doing that--when we finally surrender our lives and will to God.

”You Have My Surrender” – Lauren Daigle

Here are my hopes.
Here are my doubts.
Here are the things that I can't figure out.
Here are my storms, my crashing seas.
Here are the burdens that have brought me to my knees.
And I will take you at your unfailing word.
More than all I want, I will seek you first.
I will bless your name when the night is long.
God you have my surrender.
Here are my prayers, my heart will wait.
And I will bow my will so you can have your way.
Here are the things I can't undo.
I am nothing, nothing without you!
I cast my cares on, I cast my cares on, I cast my cares on you, yes!

A Song of Confession - "We Will Run" by Gungor

This song confesses how much we have turned away from God, and prays for healing in our world. Things we definitely need to express these days. The song starts slowly and quietly, and builds into a passionate expression of crying out to God.

“We Will Run” by Gungor

Create in me a clean heart, a clean heart.
For I have turned my face from You.
Save us from our ways oh God, oh God.
For we have turned away from You.
Lord have mercy.
We will run to you, we will run to You.
Turning from our sin we return to You.
Father heal your world, make all things new.
Make all things new.
Your love and mercy build and shape us.
Break down and recreate us now.
Lord have mercy.
Oh oh oh, bring us back to You!

A Song to Brighten Your Day

This playful song is meant to help ease your worries and make you smile. It encourages us to look around at God’s world and remember that no matter what happens, our lives rest in God’s hands.

“Do Not Worry” by Rain for Roots

See the birds that are singing in the spring air?
They're given everything they need.
They don't worry where their next meal will come from.
They don't worry 'bout a thing.
So just, look around you and try to listen to
The song creation sings.
And don't you worry cause you're in the hands
Of the God who made everything.
See the flowers in their colorful beauty.
They're dressed better than a king.
They don't worry about what they should wear, no,
They don't worry 'bout a thing.
Because you're not a bird and you're not a flower.
You don't have petals or wings.
But there is good news, you're worth so much more
To the God who made everything.