Family Ministry

Here at FBCW, we believe in family time. That means much of what we do as a church, we do as a family because we love getting together, sharing our stories, and building real relationships. That way, no matter what your age is, you will be a loved and welcomed part! Here are just a few of the fun things we enjoy doing together and with the community. As always, all people are welcome!
Halloween Trunk-or-Treat
Costumes, candy, kids, popcorn, fun, and all right here in our parking lot on Halloween!
Church Family Picnics
We love having picnics when it’s nice outside! Check with us during summer to see when our next fun picnic will be.
Youth Ministry

Students in grades 7 through 12 are in an important part of their lives, and they are important to us! Students participate in worship leadership through ushering, reading Scripture, and operating the sound system.
The Youth get together every Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm for fun, discussion, and learning. We think about our lives and what God is doing through them.
Seasonal events include game nights and movie events. Youth are also part of our mission activities and projects: serving others, preparing meals for those in need, and more. For Youth at FBCW, scripture and service go together!
On Sunday mornings, Bible Study is at 9:45, at the end of the Sunday School hallway (in the fun room!).
Children’s Ministry

Bible Study 9:45 am
Sunday mornings are a fun time of Bible study and spiritual formation. Kids five and younger have space to meet in the nursery area (above the Fellowship Hall), and grades 1-6 meet on the Sunday school hallway.
Faith Builders 4:00-5:30 pm
School-age students come to FBCW on Wednesday afternoons for snacks, games, Bible stories, music, and missions learning.
We love celebrating FBCW's children! Whether it's the last day of school, or the first, we think it's a great reason to party!
We are improving our playground all the time in an effort to have a more attractive, inviting, and safe place for children in our neighborhood and beyond to come play.
We have a wonderful time at our Last Day of School Summer Splash!
Each year, we rent the North Buncombe Community Pool and invite everyone in town to join us for this family event.
Music Ministry