Centennial Celebration Preparations
Did you know we’ll be putting out a book about the hundred year history of our church? If you have any stories or input you can share, we would love to have them. And if you have good pictures to offer, those are welcome too. Everyone who has been a part of this church for the last hundred years is important to our story.
Memorabilia would be especially helpful as we prepare to set up a History Room that displays our story. Do you have anything from the church “back in the day”? We’re interested in big things (furniture, decorations, banners) and also little things (mementos, programs, documents). You can loan it until after the Centennial, and any donations of large items can be tax deductible as well. Call or e-mail the church office to let us know. And if it would be easier to just make a donation to help with centennial celebrations, that would also be very welcome, since we want to have a grand celebration worthy of our grand story.
By now you should’ve received a Save the Date card. There are more available, so if you know people that can be invited, either let us know where to send them or stop by the office to get some (stamps are provided!). And look at the Sign-Up Shack to see our 100 Books for 100 Years. It’s a wishlist of 100 new good books that we want to get so that our church library’s is full of helpful resources.